PILPG's Lecture Series on Transitional Justice for Civil Society - Ukraine

Content Directory

This website is structured to guide an individual or a team through aspects of transitional justice beginning with the basics of transitional justice to judicial and non-judicial processes. Please refer to this outline as needed to see an overview of the entirety of the website. Additionally, PILPG’s team has prepared an introductory video setting the scene for the lecture series. 

Capstone session on Transitional Justice was held on 20 October, 2021, with Professor Jim C. Johnson, Professor David Crane, Ambassador Stephen Rapp, Dean Michael Scharf, and Robert Petit. A recording of the session is available in this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/utwDqZPZY1DoL0yJKE4EIT_sUjqa4W9xGz0WbWuPF9T0LtkBfIvEDMTwTHjibWJp.f6a6R_EeyiJ_aeN9


Elements of Transitional Justice


non-judicial processes


Core international crimes


Human rights Law


Judicial processes


Supplemental Readings