PILPG's Lecture Series on Transitional Justice for Civil Society - Ukraine

Elements of transitional justice

This section provides an overview of the basic elements of transitional justice. In particular, the section addresses accountability in transitional justice and offers an overview of transitional justice advocacy, which may assist the civil society in contributing to the transitional justice efforts in Ukraine.

A Q&A session on this section was held on 27 September, 2021, with Professor Milena Sterio, Professor Yvonne Dutton, and Dr. Mistale Taylor. A recording of the session is available in this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/qVN3YmAjTG4JyygU6HzdiJ5h8I_Kywi81yVCUF5Hs8kTVM0oZhfmpTUx422WLjHQ.npIV5sBL_czfLRtD

Accountability principles

This video introduces the importance of accountability, how to ensure that it helps heal the consequences of conflict in society, and the best practices of addressing what has happened in the past. 

Transitional Justice and Accountability

This video provides an overview of the basic principles of transitional justice, the ways transitional justice mechanisms can be established, and some key considerations for establishing transitional justice mechanisms.


Overview of Transitional Justice Advocacy

This video provides an overview of transitional justice advocacy, including the different types of advocacy and how to approach it for transitional justice purposes.