
International criminal justice for irregular migrants? The case of Libya regarding atrocities committed at detention camps

By: Ana Luz Manzano Ortiz, Junior Research Associate, PILPG-NL

Abuses committed or tolerated by authorities against foreigners with an unauthorized stay, also referred to as “irregular migrants,” are common. Cases like these have mostly been litigated by civil organizations under human rights law. However, there are situations where international criminal law can also serve as a tool to seek justice. An example of this is Libya, where NGOs have denounced militias’ practices of targeting irregular migrants through torture, kidnappings, forced recruitment, and killings. 

In order to seek accountability for this situation, NGOs have asked the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate the situation in Libya. On January 17, 2022, a group of NGOs, composed of Adala for All, StraLi, and UpRights, presented a communication under Article 15 of the Rome Statute to the ICC, asking the Office of the Prosecutor to investigate potential crimes in Libya. This contribution examines the turn from international human rights law (IHRL) to international criminal law (ICL) in light of this particular situation in Libya.

The situation in Libya 

Libya has become one of the predominantly cited examples of abuse committed with impunity as a result of pushback policies, aimed at deterring migrants from reaching Europe through unauthorized sea routes. Due to its geographical location, Libya is a transit state through which each year an estimated 180,000 people from multiple states, mainly Eritrea, Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Syria, Palestine, and Iraq, travel on their way to Europe. In order to keep these individuals from reaching the European Union (EU), the EU Agency known as “Frontex,” as well as the Italian and the Maltese governments, provide funds, training, and boats to the Libyan Coast Guard. However, the armed conflict that has taken place in Libya for a decade has complicated and worsened the situation, as militias have become involved in these border control operations.

According to the latest report of the UN Support Mission in Libya, “more than 12,000 detainees are held in 27 prisons and places of detention across Libya.” However, thousands of additional detainees do not appear in official statistics and are held illegally and often in inhumane conditions in facilities controlled by armed groups, or “secret” facilities, unable to challenge the legal basis for their continued detention. It has been well-documented that serious abuses occur in these detention centers, such as ill-treatment, torture, sexual violence, forced labor, forced disappearance, and murder, all in the context of indefinite detention in inhuman conditions. According to Alessandro Pizzuti, co-founder of UpRights, in Libya the parties to the conflict target migrants because they perceive them as a crucial resource for carrying out their political and military objectives. 

Human rights violations or international crimes?

IHRL and ICL are part of public international law, and their scope covers the relationship between individuals and the state. Both of them deal with abuses committed by state officials, either through their acquiescence, their omission to comply with their obligations or through their direct actions. Their enforcement is primarily the responsibility of national authorities. ICL’s scope is, in fact, broader and also imposes obligations on non-state actors. The application of IHRL and ICL is not mutually exclusive; on the contrary, these specialized branches of law converge and are interdependent on each other. However, IHRL relates to the responsibility of the state, while ICL is concerned with individual criminal responsibility. Therefore, there are different mechanisms through which they can be enforced whenever domestic remedies have failed to be effective.

Under IHRL, several international judicial bodies have been created around the world: the European Court of Human Rights, the African Court of Human Rights, and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights are the main examples of these. The United Nations has also developed ten quasi-judicial treaty bodies that observe the enforcement of their corresponding human rights treaties, such as the United Nations Committee Against Torture, the Human Rights Committee, and the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, among others. These are the main regional and international mechanisms through which individuals can seek redress when they believe there has been a violation of their human rights.

Under ICL, the main judicial body is the International Criminal Court (ICC). The ICC is an independent tribunal governed by the Rome Statute with jurisdiction over war crimes (WC), crimes against humanity (CAH), and genocide committed or tolerated by state and non-state actors from states party to the Rome Statute, or committed on the territory of a state party. Other ad hoc courts have previously been created to investigate specific situations in a state, such as the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.

Trying to access redress under ICL has important consequences, both practical and symbolic. On the practical side, it can be much more difficult to access justice at the ICC, in contrast to other international human rights judicial bodies. In the history of the ICC, the Office of the Prosecutor has opened twelve official investigations and is currently conducting an additional nine preliminary examinations, and only 46 individuals have been indicted. On the other hand, in 2021 alone the European Court of Human Rights released 1,105 judgments. Additionally, the heightened burden of proof in ICL means that cases tend to focus on specific incidents, perpetrators, and victims, whereas IHRL cases can be much broader in scope. Even if a case is brought, victims under ICL may be excluded just because there is less evidence concerning the specific incident in which they were victimized, which may not be the case in a court of human rights. However, on the symbolic side, justice is reached in different terms under IHRL and ICL. Whereas human rights judicial bodies reach judgments that condemn states in abstract terms, ICL has the potential to point to the individual responsibilities of the persons who commit the crimes. 

Until now, the abuses committed in Libya against irregular migrants have been addressed under IHRL. In the case of Hirsi Jamaa and Others v. Italy of the European Court of Human Rights, the situation in detention centers was recognized to amount to ill-treatment under Article 3 of the ECHR, enough to condemn Italy for returning people at sea to Libya. This has been a positive development for migrant and refugee rights in Europe; however, under the framework of IHRL, only the state of Italy was condemned for the push-back operation, and not the individual officers who participated in the operation nor the authorities in charge of the detention centers where abuses were being committed. The victims of this case did not get to see the people who mistreated them on trial, nor do they have any assurance that they faced any consequence for their actions.

The group of NGOs that presented the communication to the ICC argue that the case of the situation in the Libyan detention centers amounts not only to a mass violation of human rights but also to crimes against humanity and war crimes. Under this logic, the situation now also falls under ICL. If the situation in Libya is to be investigated by the ICC, individual responsibilities could arise for the authorities implicated in the operations of migrant detention centers. 


The consequences of shifting from international human rights law to international criminal law to seek accountability for the ongoing situation in Libyan detention centers could be many, but one stands out: having the ICC criminally investigate the people responsible for the crimes being committed at the gates of Europe. 

Regulatory Approaches to genetically modified organisms in the EU and Australia

By: Lilian Srour, Junior Research Associate, PILPG-NL

For thousands of years, humans have selected the plants and animals with the most desirable characteristics to yield the next generations of food and feed. These desirable characteristics came about through naturally occurring variations in the genetic build of those plants and animals. However, in recent years, modern biotechnology techniques, also known as gene technologies, have made it possible to modify the genetic building blocks of living cells and organisms. Essentially, these gene technologies allow for  the artificial modification of genetic material to give organisms new characteristics, such as increasing a plant’s resistance to environmental pressures, diseases, or insects. Such organisms are also known as genetically modified organisms (GMOs). 

Over the years, as gene editing technologies have become more advanced and widely utilized, states have adopted regulatory frameworks governing GMOs. At present, there is no uniformity in the overall regulatory approaches to gene editing technologies and the sale of GMO foods and feed. A report issued in 2021 by the United Kingdom’s Food Standards Agency has shed light on the diversity of approaches. This blog takes a closer look at the regulatory framework in the European Union (EU) and Australia in relation to GMOs and genetically modified (GM) food and feed, to exemplify the different approaches when it comes to the regulation of GMOs.  

The EU 

The EU regulatory framework is premised on principles relating to pre-market authorization based on a prior risk assessment, traceability of GMOs through production and distribution chains, and labeling of GMOs on the market. Currently, Directive 2001/18/EC (GMO Directive) regulates the authorization of deliberate, and experimental, releases and the placing of GMOs on the market. This Directive requires a risk assessment of GMOs intended for release into the environment. The authorization procedure for food and feed can be found under a separate Regulation. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is the risk assessment body that ensures that authorizations are only issued when it identifies no risks for health or the environment. In the authorization procedure, the regulatory framework ensures a high level of transparency whereby information on the applications for authorization, supplementary information provided by applicants, and opinions from the risk assessment authorities are made available to the public. The only exception provides for the exclusion of confidential commercial information.

Traceability and labeling requirements ensure that relevant information on GMOs is available for operators and consumers. Labeling of GMOs and traceability of GMOs and GM food and feed is defined and addressed under Regulation No (EC) 1830/2003. Specific requirements for the labeling of GM food and feed are outlined in Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003. These labeling requirements aim to provide consumers, farmers, and other interested parties with the freedom of choice. 

In 2018, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) issued its judgment in its Confédération paysanne case (C-528/16). This judgment has come under criticism from many who describe the EU’s regulatory approach as highly restrictive. This is because the ECJ stated that organisms obtained by modern directed mutagenesis techniques are to be considered as GMOs within the meaning of the GMO Directive In other words, the Court decided that under the current GMO regulatory framework, modern techniques and methods for modifying genetic material constitute a modification that does not fall under the mutagenesis exemption

Briefly, mutagenesis is a technology that allows for making genetic modifications which mimic spontaneous mutations that would occur naturally, despite being the result of human intervention. Generally, this would be considered a genetic modification technique. However, under recital 17 of the GMO Directive - the mutagenesis exemption - the directive does not apply to “organisms obtained through techniques of genetic modification which have conventionally been used in a number of applications” and have “a long safety record.” Thus, this judgment clarified that new genetic modification techniques that allow for targeted mutagenesis (more modern genetic technologies) interventions will not be exempt, as opposed to conventional random methods of mutagenesis which have been relied on in the past.  Hence, modifications through these modern techniques will be subject to the stringent requirements of risk assessment and authorization. On the one hand, this judgment has been characterized as a “missed opportunity for agricultural innovation in the EU.” On the other hand, many farmers and environmentalists have welcomed this decision, demonstrating support for the Union’s cautious approach when it comes to GMOs. 


In Australia, the Gene Technology Regulator (the Regulator), an independent statutory office holder, coordinates the regulation of GMOs and ensures compliance with the conditions of any approvals through inspections, monitoring, audits, and investigations. The Regulator is supported by the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) which is part of the Department of Health. 

The national regulatory framework for gene technology consists of the Australian Commonwealth Gene Technology Act 2000 and Gene Technology Regulations 2001, and corresponding State and Territory legislation. This framework prohibits the sale of food produced using gene technology or containing ingredients produced using gene technology, unless the food is listed in Schedule 26 of the 1.5.2 Standard of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. The standard also establishes labeling requirements for food produced using gene technology. It requires that a food for sale that is produced using gene technology includes the statement “genetically modified” in conjunction with the name of the GM food. However, unlike within the EU, Standard 1.5.2 does not outline any specific requirements for traceability.

Diverging Approaches 

The aforementioned regulatory approaches are similar in many regards. However, more recently, in contrast to the ECJ’s ruling in 2018, Australia has pursued a different approach whereby it has exempted several gene editing techniques from its Gene Technology Regulations 2001. In doing so, Australia has acknowledged that these more modern techniques produce results identical to the products of conventional mutagenesis, and that more modern techniques  have comparable safety records. As mentioned before, the ECJ has held the opposite, where no such safety record can be definitively established for more modern gene editing techniques. 

Thus, those who hold that mutagenesis and modern gene editing techniques are comparable and have comparable safety records have considered the ECJ’s judgment to be unscientific, particularly in comparison to Australia’s approach. This is because Australia has exempted modern mutagenesis techniques from its regulatory framework, implying that it considered these genetic engineering techniques to be as safe as previously established cultivation methods, whereas the EU has held that this is not the case.  Furthermore, this decision has been considered problematic because organisms edited through conventional mutagenesis may be indistinguishable from organisms edited through more modern targeted mutagenesis. Thus, a product may be  subject to, or exempt from GMO regulations because of the use of a particular gene editing technology, despite there being no difference in the outcome (i.e. the final result). Seeing that other countries do not regulate such products as GMOs, and as such do not have the same restrictions and requirements, for instance in terms of traceability, this may lead to accidental imports and undermine the enforcement of the GMO regulatory framework in the EU. This is because other countries have exempted GMOs that have been edited with more modern technologies from such restrictions and labeling requirements. Thus, the EU’s approach has come under criticism from many, whereby the European Commission’s scientific advisors have recommended that the EU revise its GMO regulatory framework. 

The European Commission has recently published a study on the status of New Genomic Techniques under EU law. In light of its findings, the Commission plans to initiate a policy action on plants produced through modern targeted mutagenesis. This will involve an impact assessment and a public consultation with the aim of achieving “proportionate regulatory oversight” that would ensure high protection of human, animal, and environmental health, whilst allowing for further innovation. 

Thus, whilst the regulatory frameworks in the EU and Australia are comparable, their respective approach to GMOs has become more divergent recently. Whilst Australia seems to be loosening its regulations, the EU maintains a more restrictive approach towards GMOs. In light of many calls for the EU to change or update its current regulatory framework, it remains to be seen whether the policy plans initiated by the Commission will lead to an approach similar to Australia, or whether the EU will maintain its current approach.

Syria’s New Torture Law - A Step Forward?

By: Lilian Srour, Junior Research Associate, PILPG-NL

Over the past decade, documentation has shown that the Syrian regime has employed a systematic strategy that oppresses its citizens through the widespread use of torture perpetrated by state authorities. Many have condemned these practices, including United Nations (UN) mechanisms, such as the Security Council and the Committee Against Torture (Committee), urging Syria to cease such practices. More recently, Canada and the Netherlands have jointly announced their intentions to hold Syria to account for its human rights violations. 

Nonetheless, Syria has recently issued Law No.16 criminalizing acts of torture. Seeing that Syria is party to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT), this short piece takes a closer look at whether this law is in line with the provisions of the CAT, particularly Article 14 which requires that victims of torture and cruel, inhuman, degrading treatment obtain redress. 

The Prohibition of Torture and the Right to Redress

The Committee has explained that in line with Article 14 CAT the term “redress” entails both the concepts of “effective remedy” and “reparation.” The reparative concept outlined by the Committee refers to the full scope of measures required to address violations of the CAT.  In its General Comment No. 3, the Committee also underlines that the implementation and enforcement of Article 14 CAT is highly important to ensure the effective prohibition of torture. It clarified that, for states parties to be considered to provide redress in line with the provisions of the CAT, their obligations are two-fold: procedural and substantive. To fulfil their procedural obligations, states shall enact laws and establish investigation bodies, complaints mechanisms, and independent judicial bodies competent to ensure redress for torture victims. At the substantive level, states must ensure that victims obtain restitution, compensation, rehabilitation, satisfaction, and guarantees of non-repetition. 

Keeping with the Committee’s General Comment, states parties are to ensure that all victims of torture or ill-treatment, regardless of when the violation occurred or whether it was carried out by a former government, have access to their rights to remedy and to effectively obtain redress. Furthermore, the Committee explicitly reinforces the absolute notion of the prohibition of torture by reiterating that under no circumstances may arguments relating to national security be relied on to deny redress for victims.

Moreover, the Committee also clarifies that states are required to investigate and criminally prosecute allegations related to acts of torture, and to refrain from interfering with proceedings regarding torture allegations. To do otherwise would constitute a denial of redress and thus a violation of a state’s obligations under Article 14 CAT. 

The Syrian Law 

Law No. 16 (2022) criminalizes torture by imposing a sentence of at least three years in prison. Aggravating circumstances, such as death through torture, or torture through rape, may allow for the imposition of the death penalty. It further outlines that state authorities cannot order the infliction of torture on anyone, and that evidence collected through torture is to be considered void. 

Whilst the criminalization of torture can be seen as in improvement, the Syrian law falls short in many regards in relation to the provisions of the CAT, particularly Article 14 CAT. Firstly, the Syrian law does not establish any independent mechanism for the oversight and enforcement of the law and its implementation. Secondly, there is legislation in force which provides immunities for employees of the State Security Department for crimes committed whilst carrying out their duties, such as Article 16 of Legislative Decree No.14 (1969). Thirdly, in line with Syria’s Penal Code, criminal laws do not apply retroactively. If this would be the case for this legislation, this would leave many individuals tortured before this date no option of redress. 

The proper enforcement and implementation of Article 14 CAT ensures for the effective prohibition of torture. As the law stands currently, victims of torture, particularly those of the last decade, do not appear to have access to effective remedies and reparations. Furthermore, the lack of independent mechanisms for the oversight and enforcement of the law, as well as the legislation in place that provides for immunities, leave Syria in arrears of the procedural and substantive obligations encompassed under the CAT and Article 14. 

The Committee has previously clarified in its General Comments that specific impediments to the right to redress and the proper implementation of Article 14 include, but are not limited to, inadequate national legislation, state secrecy laws, statutes of limitations, amnesties, and immunities. In the case of Syria, several of these factors challenge the full respect and enforcement of the CAT’s provisions, especially in relation to redress for victims. Thus, whilst the promulgation of a law criminalizing torture is a step in the right direction, this should not overshadow the remaining gaps that need to be addressed, in relation to the proportionality of punishments imposed (i.e. death penalty), enforcement of the prohibition of torture, and redress for victims. It remains to be seen how and whether this law will be enforced, and how its shortcomings will be addressed. 

May 2022

Monthly News Updates: Domestic Prosecution of International Crimes – May 2022

By: Pauline Pfaff, Junior Research Associate, PILPG-NL 

May saw important developments in the recording of evidence and prosecutions of war crimes in Ukraine. This post provides an overview of these developments and other important news relating to the domestic prosecution of international crimes worldwide.


Ukraine | Guilty plea of two Russian soldiers in war crimes trial

The Kotelevska district court opened the second war crimes trial relating to the Russian invasion. The two defendants, Alexander Bobikin and Alexander Ivanov, allegedly participated in the shelling and destruction of an educational facility in Derhachi, a town in eastern Ukraine. Both plead guilty to the charges. The Ukrainian state prosecutor demands a 12-year prison sentence for each. [May 26, 2022]

European Union | Announcement of initiative Atrocity Crimes Advisory Group (ACA) for Ukraine

The European Union issued a joint statement with the United States of America and the United Kingdom announcing the establishment of the Atrocity Crimes Advisory Group (ACA). The purpose of the ACA is to coordinate and streamline the members’ support for accountability efforts in Ukraine. The Council of the European Union moreover adopted new evidence preservation rules for Eurojust, the Union agency that deals with judicial cooperation in criminal matters. They enable the preservation, storage, and analysis of evidence of international core crimes.  Eurojust can also share information with national and international judicial authorities. [May 25, 2022]

Netherlands | Police arrests Syrian war crimes suspect

The Dutch public prosecution service announced the arrest of a 34-year-old Syrian man alleged of having committed war crimes and crimes against humanity. The suspect is part of the militia Liwa al-Quds and was allegedly involved in the violent arrest and torture of an opposition member. This marks the first arrest of an individual accused of war crimes who was fighting on the side of President Bashar al-Assad’s government during the conflict in Syria. [May 24, 2022]

Ukraine | Court sentences Russian soldier to life imprisonment in first war crimes trial

A Ukrainian court sentenced Vadim Shishimarin, a 21-year old Russian soldier, to life in prison for the murder of an unarmed civilian.  Shishimarin pleaded guilty to killing the 62-year-old unarmed civilian in the Sumy region. This is the end of the first war crimes trial in relation to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Other trials are likely to follow as Ukrainian authorities are currently investigating approximately 10,800 incidents of alleged war crimes and have identified 600 suspects.[May 23, 2022]

France | Appeals Court upholds crimes against humanity charges against cement company

A French appeals court confirmed the charges against the cement company Lafarge of complicity in crimes against humanity in Syria. Lafarge allegedly paid around 13 million euros to Da’esh and other jihadist groups through middlemen to keep their Syrian factory operating in 2013 and 2014. In September 2021, the French supreme court overturned a 2019 court decision to drop the charges against the company. [May 18, 2022]

Netherlands | Police arrests genocide suspect

The Dutch police arrested a Rwandan former army officer in Ermelo who has been living in the Netherlands since 1998. The Rwandan government requested the individual’s arrest and extradition based on his alleged involvement in the 1994 genocide.  [May 13, 2022]

Bosnia and Herzegovina | State prosecutor indicts two former policemen for war crimes

The Bosnian state prosecutor charged two wartime policemen, Milenko Samardzija and Kosta Stanic, with the murder of 22 civilians in the area around Bijeljina in September 1992. Among the victims were children and elderly persons. The trial was due to start on March 29, but was postponed because the defendant failed to appear in court. [May 13, 2022]

France | Investigating magistrate to decide on pressing charges against Interpol president

The French anti-terror prosecutor referred the investigative findings on the torture allegations against Interpol president Ahmed Naser al-Raisi to an investigative magistrate. The magistrate will decide whether to press charges. Two British individuals, Matthew Hedges and Ali Issa Ahmed, accuse al-Raisi of being ultimately responsible for their arbitrary detention and torture in the United Arab Emirates in 2018 and 2019. At the time, al-Raisi served as a senior interior ministry official in the country.  [May 11, 2022]

France | Genocide trial of former Rwandan prefect starts

The Paris Court of Assizes opened the trial of former Rwandan prefect Laurent Bacyibarut for genocide and crimes against humanity. At the time of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, the 78-year-old defendant was the head of the western Rwandan prefecture of Gikongoro. The opening of the trial marks the fourth universal jurisdiction case in France related to the Rwandan genocide. [May 9, 2022]

Serbia | Report titles Serbian war crimes prosecution as “extremely inefficient”

The Belgrade-based Humanitarian Law Centre published its report on the work of the Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor’s Office. It alleges that most indictments issued the preceding year were in fact based on efforts from entities other than the prosecutor’s office and called it “extremely inefficient.” [May 6, 2022]

Sweden | Trial against former Iranian prison administrator concludes

The Stockholm district court concluded the trial of Hamid Noury, a former Iranian prison administrator. The war crimes and crimes against humanity charges relate to his potential role in the killing of up to 5,000 prisoners across Iran in 1988. The court scheduled the deliverance of the verdict in July. Iranian authorities oppose the trial of the former official in Sweden and summoned the Swedish envoy in protest. [May 5, 2022]


Liberia | Deputy Minister signals government’s intention to establish war crimes court

During the International Criminal Court’s regional conference in Dakar, Senegal, the Liberian Deputy Minister of Codification pledged his government’s commitment to the establishment of a war crimes court. The other participants of the conference welcomed the statement and simultaneously reaffirmed their commitment to the ICC and the principle of complementarity. [May 26, 2022]

Gambia | Government announces plan to implement truth commission recommendations

Following five months of deliberations, the Gambian government announced the acceptance of 263 out of 265 recommendations of the Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission. The commission investigated crimes committed during the 22-year rule of former president Yahya Jammeh which was characterized by several political assassinations and the suppression of opposition. The government further signaled its intention to establish a special court to try alleged perpetrators of international crimes, including former president Jammeh. [May 26, 2022]

Liberia | Former defendant sues British advocates for wrongful prosecution

Agnes Reeves Taylor, the former wife of Charles Taylor, filed damages claims for malicious prosecution and action against the Global Justice Research Project. The organization played a role in Taylor’s 2017 arrest in London on war crimes charges related to her role in the First Liberian Civil War 1989-1996. On December 6, 2019, the Central Criminal Court in London dismissed the charges against Taylor. Subsequently, she returned to Liberia, where she now filed the claim. [May 13, 2022]


United States of America | Launch of evidence gathering program

The U.S. State Department announced the start of the program “Conflict Observatory,” which will collect, preserve, and analyze open-source evidence on alleged war crimes in Ukraine. Further, the State Department intends to share the gathered evidence with international partners, including the International Criminal Court. [May 19, 2022]

Colombia | Commissioner resigns from Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Commissioner Carlos Ospina resigned from his position at the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Colombia only two months before the scheduled release of the Commission’s final report. Ospina disclosed in media interviews that he resigned over differences in the narrative provided in the report. He claims that the role of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) in crimes is not represented adequately. [May 2, 2022]

May 2022

Monthly News Updates: International Criminal Court News Updates – May 2022

By: Claire Kaula, Junior Research Associate, PILPG-NL

Throughout May the ICC continued strengthening cooperation.  The Office of the Prosecutor announced a new initiative to strengthen engagement with civil society, and with the support of the Netherlands sent its largest field deployment to Ukraine.  The ICC along with Senegal held a conference promoting international criminal justice.  


New Members in the ICC Advisory Committee on Legal Texts

The ICC Advisory Committee on Legal Texts has six members and its three judicial members are elected every three years.  The ICC President announced the newly elected judicial members are Judge Chang-ho Chung, Judge Tomoko Akane, and Judge Gocha Lordkipanidze.  The Committee is responsible for making and reporting on amendment proposals to the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, the Elements of Crimes, and the Regulations of the Court. [May 20, 2022].

New initiative to strengthen the ICC’s civil society engagement

ICC Prosecutor Karim A.A. Khan announced that the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) is launching a new initiative to increase civil society’s role in the Office’s work.  This is in response to civil society asking the OTP for further opportunities to work in collaboration with the ICC.  The initiative includes roundtables with NGOs, guidance materials for engaging with victims, and increased field engagement with local civil society organizations.  The first roundtable is planned for this June. [May 13, 2022] 

ICC holds training for ICC Counsel

On April 25 and 26, the ICC held training sessions over two days for over 200 lawyers registered on the ICC List of Counsel.  The sessions included training on team management, legal team technical support, ethics and disciplinary proceedings, and participation of witnesses and victims.  Participants also received updates on current ICC cases and key legal issues. [May 5, 2022]


Republic of Senegal | ICC holds Regional Conference in Senegal

On May 23 to 25, the ICC, with cooperation of Senegal, hosted a regional conference with 190 attendees. Attendees included high level officials from both the ICC and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), as well as Senegal, Chad, and the Central African Republic.  The conference discussed building a stronger international criminal justice system and increasing cooperation between the ICC and states particularly from ECOWAS. [May 25, 2022]

Central African Republic | Deputy Prosecutor Mame Mandiaye Niang

Attends opening of the Special Criminal Court of the Central African Republic

ICC Prosecutor Karim A.A. Khan announced the Office of the Prosecutor’s support of the Special Criminal Court of the Central African Republic after the opening of the first trial.  Prosecutor Khan emphasized the need for complementarity and cooperation between the ICC and national court systems.  Deputy Prosecutor Mame Mandiaye Niang attended the opening trial and expressed the importance of building rule of law and that the ICC is a court of last resort. [May 11, 2022]


Ukraine | ICC deploys 42 investigators and forensic experts to Ukraine
On May 17, the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) deployed a 42 person investigation and forensics team to Ukraine.  The team will investigate crimes under the ICC’s jurisdiction and also help Ukrainian authorities.  This is the OTP’s largest field deployment, and was made possible through cooperation with the Netherlands. [May 17, 2022]