
March 2021

Monthly News Updates: MH17 – March 2021

By: Jochem de Hoop, Junior Research Associate, PILPG-NL 

This news update draws together information concerning the downing of flight MH17 over Eastern Ukraine in 2014, specifically the legal proceedings that followed. The information is drawn from different online news platforms.


Diplomacy | Dutch government continued talks with Russia despite frozen diplomatic relations surrounding MH17 reports that the Dutch investigative website ‘Follow the Money’ have discovered that the Dutch government re-established contact with Russia in 2017 to discuss gas pipelines, even though official diplomatic relations had been frozen since July 2014, following the downing of flight MH17.  Meanwhile, the Dutch parliament was not informed that the diplomatic ties had been restored, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Stef Blok made no mention of these contacts when asked in December 2019. [March 23, 2021]

Ukraine | Zelensky extends agreement on MH17 Investigation with the Netherlands until August 2021

On February 16, 2021, Interfax-Ukraine issued a news report claiming that the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky signed legislation extending an agreement with the Netherlands establishing the International Mission for Protection of Investigation on the downing of flight MH17 until August 1, 2021.  The Mission is tasked with facilitating the collection of remains, the investigation, and other activities that require an agreement between states. [March 12, 2021]


Malaysia | Malaysia will not take sides until completion of MH17 trial

According to the Ukrainian news outlet Ukrinform, the Malaysian ambassador to Ukraine, Raja Reza Raja Zaib Shah, declared that the Malaysian government is committed to the JIT.  Nevertheless, he is reported to have indicated that Malaysia will not take sides until the Dutch criminal trial is completed.  He reiterated that the downing of MH17 cannot be attributed to any state until the District Court of The Hague has examined the evidence and delivered its judgment. [March 15, 2021]

Malaysia | Spending on MH17 trial could increase

According to the Ukrainian news outlet Ukrinform, during the same interview with the Malaysian ambassador to Ukraine, the ambassador declared that the allocation of 23.3 million Malaysian Ringgit (around 5.7 million USD) to the Dutch criminal trial will cover all expenses, including security, transportation, communication, facilities, and other additional expenses.  He suggested that there could be additional spending if the expenses increase. [March 15, 2021]