Documenting and Recording a Crime Scene

This subsection reviews best practices for documenting and recording crime scenes. The section walks the documenter through how to secure a crime scene, how to document data collected from a crime scene, how to document data from human bodies, and lastly, how to document artifacts. 

Securing a Crime scene

This video reviews the basics of securing a crime scene and discuss how the documenter can be sure to preserve all potential data and evidence for collection and analysis. 

observing and recording a crime scene

This video reviews the basics of documenting a crime scene, including how to accurately record the facts and collect information that may be used to reconstruct and uncover the events leading up to the alleged abuse or crime.  

Documenting Human Bodies

This video reviews the basics of documenting human bodies and discusses how the documenter can make preliminary observations in the absence of a professional. 

Documenting Artifacts

This video reviews the basics documenting artifacts and discusses how the documenter can be sure to secure and preserve all collected man-made objects.