Side Event – “Preliminary Examinations: impact, policies and practices” (co-hosted by Norway, Center for International Law Research and Policy (CILRAP), Leiden University and Human Rights Watch)

Overview by Isabella Banks, Research Associate PILPG NL


  • NGOs accustomed to human rights documentation face a number of challenges in contributing evidence that is relevant to the preliminary examinations of the ICC.

  • There is disagreement on whether or not preliminary examinations should be used as a complementarity strategy to advance national justice. 

  • The duration of preliminary examinations is due in part to the scope and complexity of ICC situations and in part to resource constraints of the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP). 

  • The primary purpose of preliminary examinations is not to encourage national proceedings but no inform the Prosecutor’s decision about whether or not to open an investigation.

Co-hosted by Norway, the Centre for International Law Research and Policy (CILR), Human Rights Watch (HRW), and Leiden University, this side event focused on the challenges faced by those who participate in the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) preliminary examination process. Chair and Norwegian Ambassador Martin Sørby opened the event by explaining its origins: the “Quality Control in Preliminary Examination: Reviewing Impact, Policies and Practices” report co-published by CILR and the “Pressure Point: The ICC’s Impact on National Justice” report published by HRW.

Before the roundtable began, Ambassador Sørby introduced the speakers: Jimena Reyes of the Fédération Internationale des ligues des droits de l’Homme (FIDH); Emilie Hunter of the Case Matrix Network; Amitis Khojasteh of the ICC Office of the Prosecutor (OTP); Elisabeth Everson of HRW; Justice Richard J. Goldstone, a former judge in South Africa and prosecutor at the International Criminal Tribunals for Yugoslavia and Rwanda; and Professor Carsten Stahn of the Grotius Centre for International Studies at Leiden University.

Ms. Reyes discussed the primary challenges that NGOs accustomed to human rights documentation face in contributing to an ICC preliminary investigation. The first is the change of evidentiary standards. Local capacity building is necessary to ensure that legal actors in the places where the crimes were committed are able to contribute meaningfully to the investigation. With reference to a capacity building workshop that FIDH hosted in Colombia prior to the ICC’s first visit there in 2004, she described how these efforts have a direct impact on the quality of sources and information identified.  

The second challenge is building trust between local lawyers and NGOs. In order to contribute to a preliminary examination, NGOs must obtain a wide universe of cases and identify patterns. This is not possible without working relationships with those who have access to these files. She concluded by raising the question of whether local lawyers and NGOs should even be conducting criminal investigation in light of the security risks for victims. 

Dr. Hunter agreed that the evidentiary standard at the ICC is higher than that of human rights investigations and added that international crimes usually occur on a scale that exceeds the limits of human rights documentation practices. For example, there is a tendency for human rights organizations to rely heavily on witness statements, whereas international criminal investigations typically depend on data and advanced analytic techniques. Criminal proceedings have different legal requirements than human rights proceedings. She therefore called for international criminal law focused documentation practices for the purposes of ICC communications. She spoke about how Case Matrix Network– which provides capacity development services to national and international actors – works with proof-charts to empirically map case law and show the different types of evidence that can be used before international tribunals. Their strategic intention is to address linkage issues and help identify a pattern of crime that connects multiple incidents, the organizations involved, and their structures and hierarchies of control. She concluded by acknowledging that there are limitations to what NGOs can achieve in this regard but also noted that new methods such as open source data and data mining represent significant opportunities.

Ms. Khojasteh of the ICC OTP first of all acknowledged the contribution that NGOs make to the preliminary investigation process. She stated that the information submitted by NGOs can greatly inform the ICC’s assessment of whether or not to open an investigation. She also noted that her office has seen an improvement in the quality of the research submitted by NGOs in terms of content, structure, and methodological clarity. She attributed this partially to the OTP’s recent efforts to promote transparency and clarify what is expected of NGOs.  

According to Ms. Khojasteh, the ICC does not expect NGOs to conduct criminal investigations – especially considering that the “reasonable basis” standard is much lower than the standard used in court. The OTP does not task NGOs with information collection or outsource its assessments. The office has an open-door policy with international NGOs and is happy to provide guidance about what kind of information is most useful but does not have excessive expectations. Responding to early observations about differences in sources of evidence, she affirmed that witness statements have limited utility in many cases and that social media, satellite imagery, videos, and photos are more relevant.

Responding to Ms. Khojasteh’s comments, Justice Goldstone warned that as a friend and supporter of the ICC he would be critical. He stated that the duration and consistency of preliminary examinations send an important message to victim. As a former international prosecutor, he criticized the excessive duration of many of the preliminary examinations of the past and the way they were used as an “almost permanent” mechanism of complementarity. He called for greater consistency and consideration for the victims. In conclusion, he emphasized the importance of the ICC’s credibility and remarked that this was an area for significant improvement if the Court wanted to receive support from States Parties and attract new States Parties. 

Dr. Stahn spoke next, noting that preliminary examinations are under-regulated in the Rome Statute and that they should therefore be handled as a “construction site.”  Referencing research conducted at Leiden University as well as an ongoing blog debate on EJIL Talk!, he stressed the need for the OTP to exercise a certain amount of discretion in selecting cases given the flexibility of the “gravity” threshold. He surmised that the ICC can take one of two approaches to preliminary examinations: it can either treat them as a filter for investigations, or it can regard them as having value of their own. If the second approach is taken, the OTP may need additional resources in order to be effective. He added out that the impact of new technologies such as open source and e-evidence should be studied in greater detail.

Ms. Khojasteh responded to the most common criticism of preliminary examinations: their duration. She was sympathetic to the frustrations of relevant and agreed that there is room for the OTP to improve. She noted that in order to understand the duration of preliminary investigations, it was important to be aware of complexity and scope of the situations which come before the ICC. She also drew attention to the OTP’s very limited resources, and noted that all members of her team work on more than one preliminary examination at a particular time. She questioned whether it was a good idea for the ICC to prioritize certain preliminary investigations – and if so – on what basis? Lastly, she reminded the panel that time was not wasted during the preliminary investigations as they often had a significant impact on subsequent investigations.

Ms. Evenson expressed support for the possibility of preliminary examinations being used secondarily as a mechanism of complementarity, but was quick to qualify this statement. She highlighted the “Pressure Point” report published by HRW and summarized its findings: expectations of what the OTP can achieve need to be very realistic because of its limited resources. The report analyzes four case studies where there have been national investigations but no trials (with the exception of Colombia). She said that the case studies represent a challenge for the OTP but also highlight some positive steps that have been made in the four countries as a result of the OTP’s involvement.  

Addressing Ms. Khojasteh, Ms. Evenson recommended deeper engagement and greater public presence on the part of the Court. She also stressed the need for balance between keeping a space open for national investigation but also taking a decisive action when the process was excessively delayed. She suggested that greater confrontation with state authorities may be necessary to achieve this. She also pointed out that the OTP cannot do this alone, and called on States Parties to support and amplify the OTP’s efforts.

In a final round of comments, each speaker contributed their final thoughts. Ms. Reyes acknowledged the significance of the OTP’s budgetary constraints and stressed the need for clear benchmarks to facilitate the move to investigation in cases involving a robust but inactive judiciary. Dr. Stahn proposed that the OTP take on fewer preliminary examinations and conduct them with greater intensity to reduce the existing bottleneck. He also warned that using preliminary investigations as a mechanism of complementarity may have the unintended side effect of state actors catering to ICC demands rather than pursuing a broader accountability initiative. Ms. Khojasteh responded that while it can be a policy goal, the primary purpose of preliminary investigations it not to encourage national proceedings but no inform the Prosecutor’s decision about whether or not to open an investigation. Ms. Evenson added that the ICC is actively working to make the early stage of preliminary examinations more efficient. n conclusion, Justice Goldstone stated that if preliminary examinations are to be used as a strategy for complementarity, the ICC should be transparent about this.

Seventh Plenary Meeting of the ASP17

Overview by Emma Bakkum, Senior Research Associate PILPG NL

Immediately following the sixth plenary meeting on the 20thanniversary of the Rome Statute, the General Debate continued with seven NGOs to issue their statements. All NGOs, including Human Rights Watch (HRW), the American Bar Association (ABA), and the Nigerian Coalition for the International Criminal Court reaffirmed their support for the Court. They moreover called upon the ASP to strongly support the Court. 

The Human Rights Center/Georgian National Coalition for the International Criminal Court focused on the level of impunity for international crimes committed in Georgia and underlined the need for outreach in the region since there is little available knowledge on the ICC. The Commission Mexicana de defensa y promoción de los Derechos Humanos,emphasized the ongoing crisis in Mexico in relation to the violence and impunity for crimes committed such as drugs trafficking and torture. The Transnational Justice Group called for attention to the situation in Afghanistan and the many victims as a result of the conflict. Its representative stated that the culture of impunity in Afghanistan is one of the reasons for the ongoing conflict. “Let justice not just be a word”, he concluded. The Philippines National Coalition for the International Criminal Court finally challenged the States Parties to speak for justice and condemn those governments who undermine it. 

Sixth Plenary Meeting of the ASP17

Overview by Vicki Tien, Research Associate PILPG NL


  • Issues of universality, geographical representation, and gender imbalance within the Court’s staff were widely discussed during the plenary session

  • Several countries and panelists expressed their concerns over the threats made against the Court.

  • Many states call upon the Court to improve its efficiency, transparency, and accountability. 

  • Professor John Dugard issues a critical speech, calling the ICC Eurocentric and protective of EU interests. He urged the ASP to respond to the threats made by the U.S.

At the 6thplenary meeting of the 17thAssembly of States Parties on 7 December 2018, a session dedicated to the 20thanniversary of the Rome Statute, panelists addressed the changes and the challenges that the International Criminal Court (ICC) has faced since the adoption of the Rome Statute in 1998. The panel session aimed to look back at 20 years of the Rome Statute and to identify the solutions needed for the ICC to carry out its mandate effectively in the following decades. 

The panelists for this session included: H.E. Mr. Sergio Ugalde, Ambassador of Costa Rica to the Netherlands, H.E. Ms. Ms. Brândușa-Ioana Predescu, Ambassador of Romania to the Netherlands, H.E. Ms. Namira Negm, Legal Counsel of the African Union, H.E. Ms. María Teresa Infante Caffi, Ambassador of Chile to the Netherlands, Mr. John Dugard, Professor of Leiden University, and Mr. Bill Pace, Convenor of the CICC. After the initial speeches of the panelists, an interactive part with states and NGOs followed. 

The plenary session started with a short video featuring numerous delegates from states or organizations around the globe who all expressed their determination to fight against impunity along with the Court. 

Notably, issues of universality, geographical representation, and gender imbalance within the Court were widely discussed during the plenary session. On the issue of universality, Mr. Sergio Ugalde declared that universality would continue to be a key issue for the Court. Some states, such as New Zealand, emphasized that the principle of universality lies within the heart of the Court. The AU Legal Counsel, Ms. Negm, on the other hand, warned ICC Member States to think twice when speaking about universality as it may lead to more withdrawals from the Rome Statute, and, according to her, it is necessary to examine the issue from a different angle. As for the issues of gender imbalance and geographical representation, Mr. Ugalde urged the Court to battle the perception that it is only focused on the African continent. Brazil and Bangladesh also underlined the problems regarding geographical representation and gender imbalance within the Court. Brazil called on the ASP to correct the ICC’s imbalanced geographical representation, as according to Brazil, diversity would ensure stability and is crucial for a stronger and more legitimate international court.

On the relationship between the ICC and international organizations, Mr. Bill Pace, Convenor of the CICC, lauded the work of the European Union for its relationship and cooperation with the Court and called on the Court to establish similar relationships with other international organizations, specifically the African Union. A call also made by Ms. Predescu, emphasizing the need for better cooperation between international institutions. Meanwhile, South Africa encouraged the Court to create more dialogue with the African Union. As for the relationship between the ICC and UN Security Council, the African Union claimed that the Security Council is a political body and must limit its intervention for a judicial body. 

On the head of state immunity issue, AU legal counsel Ms. Negm addressed the relationship between Article 27 and Article 98 of the Rome Statute and she argued that Article 27 has encroached on Article 98. 

Panelists and multiple countries expressed their stance on the threats made against the Court. For instance, the delegate of Palestine addressed the threats directed at the Court, especially criticizing the U.S. for political bullying and an attitude of hostility. The delegate went on to underline the importance for the ICC to remain shielded from politics and interference, calling the Preliminary Examination in Palestine a litmus test for the Court, now more than ever. France claimed that pressures and threats against the ICC are intolerable. CICC Convenor Mr. Pace likewise recognized serious threats against the Court and called for diversity of perspectives to solve the problem. Human Rights Watch urged the Court not be deterred by the threat of the U.S. It encouraged all States Parties to stand united in order to protect the Court’s independence from external interference. 

While Professor Dugard also criticized the threats made by the U.S., particularly by U.S. President Donald Trump and U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton, he was even more critical towards European states, calling the ICC Eurocentric and protective of European interests. He strongly called upon the ASP to respond to the U.S. threats and to protect the Court boldly and bravely. His criticism expanded to NGOs, including the CICC, who should not be reluctant to voice criticism according to him. He concluded by stating that the ICC, encouraged by the ASP must ensure that vulnerable states are protected by vigorous and not unduly delayed prosecutions because “only then can the ICC complete its goals.” 

Despite the threats directed at the Court, many states as well as panelists agreed that the Court should accept positive criticism for improvements. Sierra Leone lauded the work done by the Court but claimed that the Court is not immune to positive criticism. Liechtenstein, in response to Dugard’s statements, made clear that it does not see the ICC is driven by politics, but sees that the Office of the Prosecutor is independent and driven by the law. Liechtenstein did express disappointment with the way States Parties are supporting the Court: States Parties can and have to do more in protecting and supporting the Court. 

Many states, including Austria, New Zealand, and Italy, encouraged the Court to improve its efficiency, transparency, and accountability and urged all States Parties to unitedly protect the independence of the Court in order to allow the Court to fulfill its mandate. As the Chilean ambassador emphasized: “We have to foster a culture of accountability.” 

Fifth Plenary Meeting of the ASP17

Overview by Lea Schwagereit, Research Associate PILPG NL


  • States Parties agree on the importance of enhancing cooperation between the Court and States Parties and between the Court and the UN Security Council. 

  • Cooperation can be increased in the form of sharing information to ensure the prosecution of issued arrest warrants.

  • Additionally, voluntary agreements can complement the obligation of cooperation with the Court under the Rome Statute.

  • Slovenia signed the cooperation agreement on the enforcement of sentences.

The 5thplenary meeting titled “20 years after Rome: back to the major challenges of cooperation”, stressed the importance of strengthening cooperation between State Parties and the ICC as well as the cooperation between the ICC and the UN Security Council. 

The meeting was divided into three segments. The first segment focused on the financial investigations and the freezing and recovery of assets in relation to arrest warrants. Ms. Aurélia Devos, Deputy Prosecutor and Chief of Section at the Unit for Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes at the Paris public prosecutor’s office stressed the importance of cooperation between States Parties and the ICC in order to implement the commitments made under the Rome Statute. She further emphasized that the sharing of national expertise and signing of voluntary agreements enhances cooperation. “Cooperation is vital to fight crimes against humanity”, therefore the State Parties need to focus on legal units and their cooperation. Furthermore, “Cooperation is the future of Complementarity”, according to Ms. Devos.

Following this, the plenary meeting considered the seminars held in October 2017 (Paris) on cooperation for financial investigations and in November 2018 (The Hague) on arrests. States Parties often referred to these seminars as the groundwork for the future of cooperation of States Parties with the ICC and the cooperation of the ICC and the UN Security Council.  

The second segment focused on arrests and often referred to seminar held in The Hague in November 2018. ICC Prosecutor Bensouda opened this segment underlining the importance of cooperation with the ICC. “Cooperation is key to the vitality of the Rome Statute of Criminal Justice”, she stated. The Court relies on the sharing of information and the enhancement of cooperation and encourages an open dialogue. She further emphasized on two key efforts of the ICC: financial investigations and arrests. The identification of financial assets are important for later stages, e.g. for compensation of victims. Bensouda stated: “We cannot arrest in absence. Only once the arrest warrant is prosecuted a fair trial is possible.”  A high level of political commitment, of all relevant actors, consistent, and concrete cooperation is required for the court to act effectively. “Arrest and surrender of ICC suspects is important for the ICC. We must break the voice of silence with the voice of justice”. 

Next, the Criminal Intelligence Officer and Sub-Director of Investigative Support for fugitives at INTERPOL, Mr. Sylvain Leprivery addressed the assembly. His statement focused on the role of INTERPOL. INTERPOL has signed a cooperation agreement with the ICC, enhancing the sharing of information through the access to 17 data bases on the arrest of suspects. 

Peter Lewis, Registrar of the ICC, and Charles Taku, President of the International Criminal Court Bar Association (ICCBA), underlined the importance of cooperation for the efficiency of the Court, referring to cooperation for arrest warrants and timely information sharing with the Court. 

Many states, including the United Kingdom, Chile, Spain, Norway, the Netherlands, Japan, Mexico, the Cech Republic, the Republic of Korea, Brazil, Belgium, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Palestine, Uganda and Uruguay, echoed this and encouraged the enhancement of cooperation between the ICC, states parties, and the UNSC. Austria, on behalf of the EU, welcomed the debate, reassured its full support and cooperation with the ICC, and emphasized support for voluntary agreements to accompany the obligations under the Rome Statute. Agreements with this statement came from the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Belgium, with special emphasis on (one single) superior authority to execute sanctions and collect evidence.  

Several states highlighted the importance of enforcing arrest warrants. Chile announced that it is working on a draft law to enhance cooperation of Chile and the ICC. The UK further highlighted the importance of sharing (financial) information. Spain announced its support for the Mutual Legal Assistance initiative and Japan stressed the importance of capacity building by State Parties to be included in the national legal framework. Emphasize was added here on the financial resources. In that matter, El Salvador pointed to the lack of necessary legislation in its country. Brazil pointed to their cooperation with regard to arrest warrants by allowing UN peacekeeping into Brazil to execute arrest warrants. Palestine stressed the importance of the cooperation with INTERPOL.  

The third and final segment focused on voluntary cooperation agreements. Mr. Lewis characterized voluntary agreements as flexible, cooperative in nature (with the spirit of learning from each other), and confidentiality. The office of Legal advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina, Mr. Martín Mainero reported of his country’s positive experiences with cooperation agreements, stressing that Argentina is an example for cooperation agreements in the developing world. The State Parties had a chance again to wave in. The representative of Mali supported the court and committed to fully cooperate with the court. Ecuador shared the same experience.     

The fifth plenary meeting concluded with the signing of a cooperation agreement on the enforcement of sentences, between the State Secretary of the Ministry of Law of Slovenia, H. E. Ms. Dominika Švarc Pipan and the ICC, represented by the ICC First Vice-President Judge Robert Fremr. 

Side Event – “Challenges and Prospects on the ICC's Horizon: Afghanistan, Myanmar and More” (co- hosted by the American Bar Association and the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH))

Overview by Emma Bakkum, Senior Research Associate PILPG NL 


  • The panelists agreed on the importance of the ICC’s involvement in both the situation in Afghanistan and Myanmar/Bangladesh. 

  • Grave crimes committed in Myanmar, PILPG’s report Documenting Atrocity Crimes Committed Against the Rohingya in Myanmar referred to. 

This side event, organized by the American Bar Association (ABA) and the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), focused on the challenges and prospects on the ICC’s horizon, specifically focusing on the preliminary examinations into the situations in Afghanistan and Myanmar/Bangladesh. Christopher Hale moderated the discussion by a panel of distinguished speakers. 

Ambassador Stephen J. Rapp started by reflecting on the U.S. perspective and policy towards the ICC. While the threatsmade by U.S. national security advisor John Bolton against the ICC worry many, ambassador Rapp emphasized the support the U.S. has historically showed towards the ICC, referring to its cooperation in the transfer of Bosco Ntaganda and Dominic Ongwen to the ICC. Ambassador Rapp stated that the extreme view of Bolton has in history been rejected before and highlighted that the U.S. has always been a leader in establishing international institutions. Therefore, Ambassador Rapp is confident that Bolton’s stance towards international criminal justice will be rejected in the U.S. He added that focus should also be on national efforts and referred to the conviction of Sergeant Robert Bales for war crimes committed in Afghanistan in 2013. 

Katherine Gallagher, senior staff attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights, provided background information into the ongoing preliminary examination in Afghanistan. The Prosecutor of the ICC, Bensouda, requested authorization from the Pre-Trial Chamber III to start an investigation into alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity in relation to the armed conflict in Afghanistan since 1 May 2003 as well as regarding other crimes that have a nexus to the armed conflict in Afghanistan and are sufficient linked to the situation and were committed on the territory on other state parties (e.g. Romania, Lithuania, Poland) to the ICC since 1 July 2002. This request was made on 20 November 2017, making it the longest pending decision of its kind before the ICC. While the investigation into Afghanistan consists of three parts, crimes against humanity and war crimes by the Taliban and affiliated networks, war crimes committed by Afghan forces, and war crimes committed by the U.S. military and CIA, Gallagher focused on the last. 

She stated that complementarity and admissibility are not an issue of concern for the Pre-Trial Chamber since no senior U.S. official has ever been prosecuted and no efforts have been made to do so.  On top of that, there is evidence of the U.S. government trying to close down any investigation in foreign national courts. According to Gallagher, the case of Afghanistan is right to be at the ICC. 

She continued by talking about her work as representative of two of the victims of the crimes committed in Afghanistan under the scope of the preliminary investigation. She emphasized the difficulty with providing victim statements within the timeline of Nov 20th-21stJan 2017, when bombings were going on in Afghanistan. To have no response more than a year later is a great disappointment to her and the victims. 

Later during the panel discussion, Gallagher also asserted that many practical issues must be worked out if an investigation is opened. One issue is contact with victims that are held in Guantanamo Bay. Less practical, but not less important, the ramifications of the threats from John Bolthon against the ICC must be understood: what did he mean when he threatened companies? Generally, Gallagher concluded, it is going to be an extremely difficult case, both for lawyers or prosecutors, and the global support of States Parties is needed to insulate the Court. Ambassador Rapp added, in similar sentiment as his previous statement, that accountability in the U.S. will depend on the U.S. system itself. Stating his own position, he concluded that the appropriate thing for any administration is to appoint a special counsel for the specific case.

After discussing Afghanistan, Kate Vigneswaran, Senior legal advisor at the International Commission of Jurists, continued with the situation in Myanmar. She elaborated in detail on the findings of the fact-finding mission (FFM) for Myanmar, established in early 2016. The FFM concluded that crimes against humanity and war crimes were committed in Myanmar. An investigation into genocide was warranted. Recommendations (in September 2018) included a UN Security Council (UNSC) referral to the ICC and, until the UNSC acts, the creation of an independent evidence gathering mechanism, similar to the mechanism for Syria. In response, a resolution was issued by the Human Rights Council to establish such a mechanism, for which the Terms of Reference are expected in two weeks. 

Vigneswaran expressed hope that the Pre-Trial Chamber ruling of 6 September 2018 on ICC jurisdiction over the alleged deportation of the Rohingya people from Myanmar to Bangladesh will result in the filing of an application soon. The Pre-Trial Chamber decided that the ICC has jurisdiction in cases where one element of the crime or part of such a crime was committed on the territory of a State Party, in this case Bangladesh. In addition to deportation, this rational could be applied to other crimes, such as persecution and torture. The Pre-Trial Chamber decision, however, does not apply to the many other crimes committed solely in Myanmar. 

Akila Radhakrishnan built on this when asking the audience to think about what justice means for Myanmar. Myanmar has faced a range of crimes for a very long time. The constitution of Myanmar enshrines impunity for the military. This framework must be taken into account when considering what the limited jurisdiction of the ICC can do, Radhakrishnan underlined. There is no real identified place for these cases to be transferred to, she continued, unlike with the III Mechanism for Syria that concerns viable jurisdiction cases. Therefore, she calls upon a full UNSC referral. 

While Radhakrishnan mentioned some of the challenges the investigation into Myanmar is facing (such as access in to country, gathering evidence, cooperation), she called the steps of the ICC important for pressuring the government, to “see if we create a crack in impunity”. Nevertheless, she explained that the pursuit of justice for Myanmar has to be broader and look at other venues for justice.                              

Discussing U.S. engagement with regard to the situation in Myanmar, Radhakrishnan indicated that the U.S. government has continued to use human rights language and “said the right things”, but that no concrete action to enable accountability has been seen yet, also mentioning the recent publication of PILPG’s report Documenting Atrocity Crimes Committed Against the Rohingya.

Micheal Greco, still with a focus on the U.S., therefore looked at the role of civil society and the legal community within current geopolitics. The American Bar Association (ABA), as well as other civil organizations, are vital for holding governments (including the U.S. government) accountable and for advocacy and educational purposes. 

Continuing with the situation in Myanmar, moderator Christopher Hale asked whether the jurisdiction of the ICC over the deportation of the Rohingya from Myanmar to Bangladesh is too limited. Kate Vigneswaran considers the decision on jurisdiction as an absolute positive development. While it does demonstrate a gap: crimes committed solely in Myanmar, by other groups, fall outside the jurisdiction of the Court. Kate herself would hesitate to be too cynical as she stated that we have a come a long way and that because something is happening, expectations are increased. Akila Radhakrishnan added that most of the frustrations are political: the inability of the UNSC and political work arounds. Ambassador Rapp closed the topic by stating that what is happening around the situation in Myanmar is encouraging.  

From the audience, the Counsel on Rohingya issues from the Government of Bangladesh issued a warning for the problems with witness contamination in refugee camps in Bangladesh. Kate Vigneswaran agreed that this is a concerning issue, mentioning the large amount of interviews done by PILPG for its report. The Counsel of the Government of Bangladesh and Vigneswaran moreover agreed that Myanmar appears to be concerned with the investigation of the ICC.