ASP21 Side Event: Climate change as a crime against humanity: Article 15 submission


7 December 2022

Name of the Event: Climate change as a crime against humanity: Article 15 submission (co-hosted by Vanuatu, UK Youth Climate Coalition and the New Zealand Students for Climate Solutions) 

Report by: Lilian Waldock, Program Manager, and Kelly van Eeten, Senior Research Associate, PILPG


  • The panel argues that contributing to climate change can qualify as a crime against humanity and that senior executives of British Petroleum plc (BP) committed it. 

  • New Zealand Students for Climate Solutions and UK Youth Climate Coalition filed a submission to the International Criminal Court under Article 15 of the Rome Statute.  They have also launched the campaign, Climate Crime, to accompany the submission.  

  • The panelists presented key behavior by BP executives that shows that they willingly contributed to climate change and strategically spread misinformation about climate change. 


  • Phoebe Nikolaou (Guest Lawyer, invited by SFCS)

  • Rilke Comer (SFCS)

  • Lauren Craig (SFCS)

  • George Carew-Jones (UKYCC)

  • Joshua Bloodworth (UKYCC)

Summary of the Event: 

The session focused on contributing to climate change as a crime against humanity. And specifically, an Article 15 submission made today by the New Zealand Students for Climate Solutions and UK Youth Climate Coalition against the senior executives of British Petroleum (BP).  BP is a multinational oil and gas company. 

The first speaker, Phoebe, explained the legal implications of their submission. She argues that the preconditions towards jurisdiction have been met in their submission. These are set out under Article 12 of the Rome Statute and contain temporal and personal and/or territorial jurisdiction. Climate change is a crime that occurs across multiple countries, some may not be member states. Recent jurisdiction established that this is not problematic for the jurisdiction of the court as long as a component of the crime happened on the territory of a member state. The speaker argues that this broadens the scope of jurisdiction of the ICC regarding the crime of climate change since it has a global impact. In the case of BP senior executives, preconditions to jurisdiction are met since BP is located in the UK, which has been a member state since 2002. The temporal jurisdiction is also met, since the crime of climate change is argued by the panelist as a continuous crime, like forced marriage or displacement. The preconditions of complementarity and gravity are also met according to the panel. This is especially the case for gravity since climate change is causing extreme harm across the globe. 

Speaker Rilke presented five key behaviors by BP and their executives showing their knowledge of their negative impact on climate change and their deliberate acting to avoid that they had to change their business behavior. 

  1. They established doubt about climate change

  2. They deliberately created dependency on fossil fuels 

  3. They fostered as much delay as possible within climate change solutions

  4. They advanced their common purpose through deceit, for example by underreporting their own emissions 

  5. They used everything at their disposal and wealth to influence political decision making 

The panel underlined their difference from other panels at the ASP side events.  The panel consisted of students who felt the urge to act against climate change.  They did not have the luxury to have lived in a world without climate change.  They noted that acts that have a negative impact on the environment and climate change are long seen as non criminal and not against the law.  The panel urges the world to condemn these acts as criminal and unlawful. 

In recognising their own lack of diversity, the panel was also keen to amplify the voices of those most impacted by the effects of climate change.  Reading out a quote from a young Malawian on the tropical storms that impact a million people and kill several with each year that passes.  And reading also a quote from a young Filipino who focused on the impact of frequent typhoons on the Philippines and highlighted that theirs is a “generation at the forefront of change”. 

Environmental crimes have been historically overlooked in the debates around international crimes.  The panel claimed that the ICC could bring an end to environmental impunity, as the court of last resort.  The speakers argued that their case is not political and does not include a widening of the mandate of the ICC.  One of the speakers said, “we are not here as revolutionaries, we are here to work within the institution of the ICC”, illustrating that the Court’s apparatus is the appropriate institution to persecute gross criminal behaviour leading to environmental damage through abuse of fossil fuels and end criminal impunity for climate change.  The panel recognised that the ICC does not exist in isolation and highlighted the 2021 New Zealand lawsuit brought by the New Zealand Students for Climate Solutions stating that this action has resulted in a contribution to a loss and damage fund to pay compensation for losses inflicted on the world's poorest people by climate change. 

Finally, the panel also noted the appropriateness of reparations in the case of this submission to the Court, stating that between 2005 and 2021, BP made 162 billion USD in net profit. Despite this, BP has invested very little in green energy at the same time as capitalizing on rebranding itself as a green energy company.   

ASP21 Side Event: Making Reparative Justice a Reality: Monitoring Visit to Northern Uganda and the Future of the Trust Fund for Victims


6 December 2022

Name of the Event: Making Reparative Justice a Reality: Monitoring Visit to Northern Uganda and the Future of the Trust Fund for Victims (co-hosted by Belgium, Estonia, Ireland, Liechtenstein, New Zealand, Uganda, and the Trust Fund for Victims)

Report by: Lilian Waldock, Program Manager, and Emma Bakkum, Assistant Counsel, PILPG


  • The September 2022 joint monitoring visit to Northern Uganda was key to understanding high-level decisions of the court and what is happening on the ground. It presented a great opportunity to understand what more can be done to support the victims, uniting justice in the courtroom with justice in the field. 

  • “It is a characteristic of all the victims - stubborn optimism.” This was apparent during the monitoring visit to Northern Uganda. The takeaways of the delegates were clear: the work done by the TFV has been impactful and transformative, but more work needs to be done. The TFV needs increased funding to accommodate the commitments that have been made by the Court.

  • The side event highlighted some of the key recommendations for ‘the way forward’ for the Trust Fund for Victims. Firstly, increasing awareness of the work of the TFV and its connection to the work of the ICC. Secondly, the importance of soliciting funding from States Parties.


  • Ms. Silvia Fernández de Gurmendi, ASP President

  • Mr. Jackson Karugaba Kafuuzi, Deputy Attorney General of Uganda

  • Ms. Minou Josefina Tavárez Mirabal, Chair of the Board of Directors of the Trust Fund for Victims 

  • H.E. Ambassador Brendan Rogers, Ambassador of Ireland to the Netherlands, Permanent Representative of Ireland to the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)

Summary of the Event: 

PILPG-ers Yvonne Dutton, Lilian Waldock, and Emma Bakkum attended this side event co-hosted by Belgium, Estonia, Ireland, Liechtenstein, New Zealand, Uganda, and the Trust Fund for Victims, which reported on a monitoring visit to Northern Uganda organized by the Embassy of Ireland and the Trust Fund for Victims. 

Mr. Andres Parmas, a member of the Board of Directors of the Trust Fund for Victims (TFV), opened the event by highlighting the value of the TFV - unique in bringing victims’ voices to the center. He went on to say that the establishment of the TFV marks a crucial change in the thinking patterns of the international community, with its victim-centered mandate of reparations and assistance. While the TFV’s work has been impactful, importance should be placed to raise the visibility of its work. 


A short video (available soon) showed images of the recent monitoring visit to Northern Uganda. Fourteen states (comprising thirteen countries and the EU, 64 delegates in total) met with victims from Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo in Northern Uganda from 13-17 September 2022. The monitoring visit provided delegates with the opportunity to witness first-hand the transformative work of the TFV.

The TFV has operated in Uganda since 2008 and has reached 60,000 direct beneficiaries and 350,000 indirect victims. The TFV spent 12.5 million across 22 districts to provide services to victims with injuries as a result of the conflict between the Government of Uganda and the LRA. Stories of LRA war victims are recounted including accounts of the killing of family members, maiming and purposeful disfigurement, landmine victims, victims of gun violence, abduction, and SGBV. What is highlighted by these voices is a need to extend the services of the TFV to the wider population. The effects of the war in Uganda are still felt. The power of the TFV is to ensure the involvement of victims, and the humanization of the criminal justice process, through services such as medical support, trauma counseling, livelihood empowerment initiative, and psychosocial support. One beneficiary summarized this with a practical quote: “I am now able to do some work and earn a living”. 

Theirs are stories of rehabilitation and redemption. As a quote from the Report (“the silence of the gun does not mean the war is over”) on the visit states: 

The silence of the gun does not mean the war is over. The effects of the war are still on - we have people who are physically not okay. We have seen people testifying that they were living with bullets in their flesh for over twenty years and bomb splints in their bodies. But with the coming of [these programs], through the support of the TFV, they have come back and they are different. 

They have hope.

~ Okumu Robert, Chairperson of Laguri Sub Country Pader District 

The monitoring visit was key to understanding high-level decisions of the court and what is happening on the ground. It presents a great opportunity to understand what more can be done to support the victims, uniting justice in the courtroom with justice in the field. 

Panel Discussion 

Sylvia Fernández de Gurmendi, ASP President, spoke about her earlier visit to Northern Uganda in 2017 when she was president of the ICC and how she sees the progression of these visits. She emphasized the importance of linking the two pillars of the court and the TFV. “In order to support, in order to understand, you really need to know.” These visits have generated some understanding of what the court is really about. Ms. Fernandez de Gurmendi highlighted the progress that she was able to see on projects implemented between 2017-2022. 

Mr. Jackson Karugaba Kafuuzi, Deputy Attorney General of Uganda continued by expressing his gratitude for the work of the TFV and its supporters. He spoke specifically about the involvement of the Ugandan Government with the TFV. The war lasted for a long time and split the country in two: while one area was prospering, another was terrorized. The TFV has offered a form of reassurance that there is life after the conflict and that it is possible to re-skill and return to society. However, there is a lot to be done still in Uganda, he noted. The Government is in a conversation process (apart from TFV) on a “cattle corridor”, to give families support where the government is able to. 

Ms. Minou Tavárez Mirabal reflected on the recent monitoring visit, in particular from the perspective of the Board of Directors of the TFV. She described the monitoring visit as unforgettable work. The mission achieved its overall objectives: 

  1. Reviewing the implementation of programs;

  2. Gaining insight;

  3. Raising awareness of the TFV’s work.

She furthermore saw it as a successful mission due to the commitment of the delegation and its excellent organization. It formed an opportunity to confirm that: “This is a characteristic of all the victims - stubborn optimism”.

H.E. Ambassador Brendan Rogers, Ambassador of Ireland to The Netherlands touched upon steps States Parties should be taking in support of the TFV. He underlined the need to bring the work of the TFV into the building beside us. To do so, States Parties need to raise awareness and bring that knowledge back. He noted the success of the last couple of days, to see and hear the work of the TFV being raised. The next step is “extra money”. The TFV has had 14 states who were transformed through the monitoring visit and who have brought that message back. It is now “up to us to talk to the State Parties”. We need to get the message across and show the power of the ICC - rehabilitation and reparation. “What impressed me was that the TFV was working with the communities, the parishes, and the districts”. He concluded by noting that the TFV should now think about how it can be effective, agile, and energetic, to get the funding to do what the TFV needs to be doing. 

The Q&A part of the event covered several issues relevant to the TFV. The first question focused on the challenges the TFV faces. Ms. Mirabal referred to fundraising as the main challenge. The TFV requires large amounts of funding to do what it needs to be doing. The TFV solicits for it in both the public and private sectors. Another challenge is the visibility of the TFV. In particular, increasing funding, visibility, and communication of the TFV’s work and mission is important. A final challenge for the TFV is to learn from what it is doing in Uganda to strengthen its work in other places. The TFV is a very young institution and inevitably there is a lot to learn and a lot to implement. A challenge related to this is managing the expectations of victims. Ms. Fernández de Gurmendi added the challenge of sufficiently linking the soft power to the hard power of the Rome Statute System. Still, it is not always clear to communities that the Court is not just about retribution, but also about reparation and assistance. These two components need to be seen together. It is also important to clarify that the TFV’s assistance program does not relate to a conviction. H.E. Ambassador Rogers noted the importance of extra funding to scale up the TFV’s programs. Additionally, he underlined the need for continued “software” that builds the coalition of supporters for the TFV. As positions change, similar commitment from States Parties delegates engaged in and with the TFV is needed. 

Building on the challenge of funding, Dr. Yvonne Dutton inquired into the specific and concrete amounts of funding the TFV may need to implement its programs. Ms. Mirabal responded to this difficult question by noting the TFV raises 2.5-2.7 million euros per year. This is not a significant amount, especially considering that the Court may order reparations for an amount that is much more. Thus, whatever is raised will not be sufficient. TFV representatives, including Acting Executive Director Ms. Franziska Eckelmans, further clarified the two streams of funding the TFV receives. The TFV’s functioning is funded through the ICC’s budget, amounting to 3.2. million currently. The TFV hopes this will be increased to 3.8 million during this ASP. The TFV’s funding for implementing programs comes from voluntary contributions only. Kevin Kelly added that every payment of the TFV’s admin budget goes to delivering programs on the ground. The core budget from the ICC covers program delivery costs. The TFV operates in a slim operation. Every penny of donated money goes to projects directly. Ms. Eckelmans added that a minimum number for funding would be 2-4 million for next year, but that the TFV can easily scale up to 7 million - all programs are running at a minimal level. Finally, TFV Board member Ibrahim Yillah raised two issues regarding the TFV’s capacity and resources. First, he offered some thoughts on considering secondments to support the work of the TFV. Second, he raised the idea of collaborating with universities. 

Ms. Eckelmans closed the event by speaking to the transformative impact of the TFV’s work: “victims deal with their harm generations that come after, they are aggressive and they don’t know what love is. We are trying to mitigate these really negative transgenerational impacts.” 

ASP21 Side Event: Strengthening Coordination and Partnerships: The Next Step for Supporting Accountability for Crimes Against Children


6 December 2022

Name of the Event: Strengthening Coordination and Partnerships: The Next Step for Supporting Accountability for Crimes Against Children 

Report by: Paul Weber, Senior Research Associate, PILPG 


The event underlined that the ICC needs to give children, who are disproportionately affected by armed conflict, greater priority. Speakers also pointed out that in prosecuting crimes against children, the Court should ensure the involvement of children in a trauma-informed way. In all this, the collaboration between civil society, international bodies, and other actors involved was highlighted as an important way to turn the field of child rights into a more effective ecosystem.


  • Ms. Tessa Terpstra, Director of Advocacy, Save the Children Netherlands

  • H.E. Henk Cor van der Kwast, Ambassador of the Netherlands to the International Criminal Court

  • Ms. Veronique Aubert, Lead on Children and Armed Conflict, Save the Children United Kingdom and Special Adviser on Crimes Against and Affecting Children, International Criminal Court (Moderator)

  • Dr. Cécile Aptel, Professor of International Law at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University

  •  Ms. Virginia Gamba, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict 

  • H.E. Karim Khan KC, Prosecutor to the International Criminal Court

  • Ms. Mikiko Otani, Chair of the Committee on the Rights of the Child 

  • Ms. Prudence Acirokop, Child rights, and SGBV investigator and expert, Justice Rapid Response 

Summary of the Event: 

The side event “Strengthening Coordination and Partnerships: The Next Step for Supporting Accountability for Crimes Against Children”, organized by Save the Children in cooperation with Justice Rapid Response, commenced with opening remarks by Tessa Terpsta from Save the Children Netherlands, who set the scene by providing an overview of the situation of children and armed conflicts (CAAC) worldwide. In her view, the situation in Ukraine serves as a stark reminder of the grievous situation that too many children worldwide continue to find themselves in. 450 million children, one in every 6, lived in a conflict zone last year, with many being victims of killings, maiming, sexual violence, and other criminal conduct. In many justice processes, children remain largely invisible, without having their voices heard. She reported important advances, with the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) prosecutor Karim Khan committing himself to giving greater regard to the issue of CAAC and also many States being more supportive of action in this area. Nevertheless, to her, accountability for crimes against children needs to be strengthened and involved actors have to coordinate and cooperate further. 

Henk Cor van der Kwast, the Dutch ambassador to the ICC, highlighted his own country's efforts to give greater regard to the perspective of children in approaching the problems affecting them. As the violations that children disproportionately suffer in conflicts often have life-long consequences, he emphasized the need to give greater attention to CAAC and welcomed the ICC’s advances on the issue. 

After the two welcome remarks, Prof. Cecile Aptel followed with a presentation of the findings of her book on CAAC. In her opinion, three characteristics of children make action on their behalf particularly important. Firstly, they make up an important part of the population: in some states, most notably many ICC situations, often half or even more than half of the population. As a consequence, attacks affecting civilians in such states often affect large numbers of children. Secondly, by virtue of their young age, children are especially vulnerable psychologically, physically, and emotionally, increasing the need to render justice to them. Lastly, children enjoy special protection under international law. Despite this, international criminal courts and tribunals from Tokyo and Nuremberg to the International Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda did not give due consideration to children as a special group. Only in the Special Court for Sierra Leone were child-specific crimes first prosecuted. Important advances, in her opinion, are the increasing inclusion of CAAC into the mandates of international courts and tribunals and the clear prosecutorial priority given to crimes against children. Beyond the courts, she also pointed to the important advances in including CAAC in mandates of international fact-finding missions, which serve an important role in bringing crimes to the attention of courts. 

In finalizing the contextualization of the debate, the audience watched a video by the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for CAAC, Virginia Gamba. Ms. Gamba presented her mandate, within which the UN Security Council had outlined six particularly egregious violations of children’s rights that have the potential to also threaten long-term peace. She advocated for a stronger child-centric lens in prosecution at the ICC and giving greater consideration to the testimonies of affected children. In her view, the fear that involving children in proceedings against their offenders bears too great a risk for retraumatization is misplaced. Ms. Gamba highlighted the importance that having their voices heard can have for children, also pointing to the availability of trauma-informed interview approaches that greatly mitigate potential risks.

The event then shifted to a panel discussion between Prosecutor Khan, Mikiko Otani, the chair of the Committee for the Rights of the Child (CRC), and Prudence Acirokop, a child rights and SGBV investigator and expert with Justice Rapid Response. Mr. Khan started his contribution by recognizing that despite the great advances in international criminal prosecution over the past 30 years, the global justice community had “failed responsibilities towards children”. As a complicating factor in meaningfully involving children in international criminal proceedings, he acknowledged the myriad of factors and individual needs and backgrounds of children that need to be taken into account. Nevertheless, the prosecutor vowed that “the main thing is, we need to do better”. For the purpose of strengthening coordination and partnership, the topic of this event, he proposed an annual roundtable between his office and the UNs Special Representatives, the UN Secretary-General, UNHCR, and UNWOMEN, aimed at coordinating how to better defend children’s rights in dialogue and mindful of each other’s mandates. 

In terms of the specific activities of the ICC, the prosecutor problematized a number of points. Considering the success of the Special Court for Sierra Leone (SCSL) in considering child rights violations, Mr. Khan recognized that the SCSL’s presence on the ground, close to the victims, had benefited it. Since taking office, he has increased the prosecution’s field presence in an attempt to move away from the practice of confining international justice to the “hermetically sealed, sterile environment” of the Court’s headquarters in The Hague. Secondly, Mr. Khan lamented that “for too long have we been conflating children with the general population”, thereby failing to give due attention to their particular rights and needs. Additionally, international justice has focused too much on the recruitment and use of children in armed conflicts as the primary crime against children, when this is only the “tip of the iceberg”. In an effort to improve child-sensitive justice, the prosecutor emphasized that a greater mind should be paid to the individual children. In response to Ms. Gamba’s statement, he pointed to the need to spread child-sensitive interviewing and investigation skills to be spread across all parts of his office, underlining how capable and reliable children are and how crucial it is to consider their testimonies. 

The Chair of the CRC, Ms. Mikiko Otanki, who followed Mr. Khan, first outlined the relevance of her office’s mandate as a monitoring body in the area of children’s rights. She lamented that justice mechanisms are often not known to the victims and those working with them, making justice de facto unavailable to them. Beyond this, those working on children’s rights often are not well connected and lack knowledge of each other’s mandates, diminishing the effectiveness of the field as a professional ecosystem. In Ms. Otanki’s view, the integration of child-sensitive approaches presents a broad challenge that requires greater collaboration and knowledge-sharing. She outlined the need to make use of existing resources, like the 2005 ECOSOC Guidelines on Justice in Matters involving Child Victims and Witnesses of Crime, in the drafting and implementation of a child-sensitive justice policy. She ended with a call for close involvement of the CRC, as a body whose instrument enjoys almost universal ratification, in these endeavors.

Prudence Acirokop, a child rights expert working with Justice Rapid Response, then shared her practical insights from the field. She outlined the dual need for partnerships in the documentation of crimes against children. First, Ms. Acirokop discussed the role of partnerships with local actors on the ground in the collection of evidence and witness interviews, without which many of the affected communities would not be available. Second, and no less important, she emphasized that documentation cannot occur without the simultaneous provision of assistance to victims who suffered such egregious conduct. As such, professionals specialized in documentation and psychosocial or other assistance need to collaborate. Furthermore, Ms. Acirokop called on international and institutional actors to seek partnerships with documenters from the field. Practitioners can point out where there are gaps in the service provision of the international community and have regularly provided crucial advocacy and evidence that resulted in greater accountability. However, she also drew attention to the security needs of those active in the field, which can often best be met by collaboration with larger international actors. In her experience, sometimes documentation fails, as victims are scared of the repercussions of talking to civil society documenters. There is also the risk that those documenters themselves may be killed, detained, or disappear. In order to serve children better, the international community would also have to address the needs of those contributing from the field. 

With Ms. Acirokop’s contribution to the panel discussion ended and moved over to the Q&A portion of the event. First, Mr. Maung Sawyedullah, himself a Rohingya forcibly displaced from Myanmar and currently residing in Bangladesh, virtually contributed a comment. He reported on his efforts in documenting crimes suffered by the Rohingya and called for greater support from international institutions in this endeavor, as a means to provide for greater victim involvement in international justice. Then Samuel Emonet, Executive Director of the event’s cosponsor Justice Rapid Response, outlined how his organization had increased the number of child rights experts like Ms. Acirokop on their roster of deployable experts. Furthermore, he pointed to his organization’s collaboration with Save the Children and the EU Commission in disseminating best-practice standards within the field. Philip Grant, the Executive Director of Trial International, recounted a case from the Democratic Republic of Congo, in which experts examined repeated rapes of children and in which child-sensitive interviews with the affected children provided the crucial evidence that led to the identification and conviction of the perpetrators. Lastly, Rikke Fredberg, from the European Commission’s European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations Directorate General (DG ECHO), outlined the EU’s commitments to CAAC in the form of a new child rights strategy and other policy documents as well as €‎109 million in humanitarian aid to CAAC.

ASP21 Side Event: Strengthening International Justice: Challenges and Opportunities in the Case of Ukraine


Date 08 December 2022

Name of the Event: Strengthening International Justice: Challenges and Opportunities in the Case of Ukraine (co hosted by Media Initiative for Human Rights, Renaissance International Foundation, Truth Hounds, Ukraine 5AM Coalition, Ukrainian Legal Advisory Group (ULAG) and Zmina Human Rights Center) 

Report by: Kelly van Eeten, Senior Research Associate, PILPG-NL, and Kateryna Kyrychenko, Program Manager, PILPG


  • At the moment, active war is ongoing in Ukraine.  Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, as well as many Ukrainian cities, are in the dark due to the grave damages of the Ukrainian energy system caused by continuous Russian shellings of Ukrainian infrastructure.  Most of the artillery attacks by Russians on Ukrainian territories are being done indiscriminately.  Besides the shellings, different forms of war crimes are being documented in the liberated Ukrainian territories: attacks on Ukrainian cultural sites, illegal imprisonment, torture, using civilians as human shields, sexual and gender-based violence, and enforced disappearances.

  • The scale of war crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine is striking: currently there are 60,000 cases of war-related crimes registered by Ukrainian prosecutors since the beginning of full-scale Russian invasion in February 2022; and there are still 30,000 cases opened from 2014.  The national system is overburdened and international support to reach accountability is crucial.


  • Moderator: Roman Romanov, International Renaissance Foundation

  • Olga Reshetylova, Media Initiative for Human Rights (member of UA5AM Coalition)

  • Nadia Volkova, Ukrainian Legal Advisory Group (member of UA5AM Coalition)

  • Natialia Okhotnikova, Human Rights Centre ZMINA (member of UA5AM Coalition)

  • Roman Avramenko, Truth Hounds NGO (member of UA5AM Coalition)

Summary of the Event: 

Mr. Roman Romanov from the International Renaissance Foundation, who was moderating the panel, began the conversation with an introduction to what will be discussed and the Ukraine 5:00 AM Coalition (UA5AM).  The coalition was created after the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 (its name stems from the time when the first bombings of Ukraine started on 24 February 2022).  He highlighted that, at the moment, active war is ongoing in Ukraine.  Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, as well as many Ukrainian cities, are in the dark right now due to the grave damages of the Ukrainian energy system caused by continuous Russian shellings of Ukrainian infrastructure. 

Further, Mr. Roman Avramenko, Head of NGO Truth Hounds, which has been involved in documentation of war crimes in different contexts around the world and is currently documenting war crimes on the ground in all Ukrainian regions, reported that atrocities in Ukraine have been happening since 2014 when Russia occupied Ukrainian Crimea and parts of the territories in Donbass.  He then pointed out tha due to the full-scale Russian invasion in February 2022, atrocities started happening on a much larger scale in Ukraine - many people are being wounded or killed as a result of bombings and artillery shellings.  Mr. Avramenko mentioned that the full destruction of the Ukrainian city of Mariupol in the South of Ukraine by Russia is the most well-known case by the international community, however, there are many other settlements nearby Mariupol not covered in the world media that face the same circumstances and are being severely damaged by continuos shellings and bombings on daily basis.  For example, after the liberation of the city of Kherson by the Ukrainian army, the Russians started to shell the city with weapons in their possession, including cluster munition.  He noted that most of the attacks by Russians are being done indiscriminately and that, besides the shellings, different forms of war crimes are being documented in the liberated Ukrainian territories: attacks on Ukrainian cultural sites, illegal imprisonment and torture, using civilians as human shields, sexual and gender-based violence, and enforced disappearances.  Mr Avramenko stressed how large the scale of the war in Ukraine is: reportedly, approx 1000 civilians are being killed each month due to indiscriminate shellings and bombings.

Ms. Olga Reshetylova, Media Initiative for Human Rights (member of UA5AM Coalition), which documents war crimes and conducts journalistic investigations, reported that, after the liberation of the Northern regions of Ukraine from the Russian army, it was discovered that many Ukrainians have been captured by Russian soldiers and forcibly deported to Russia via specially established ‘filtration camps’ in the territory of Belarus.  She noted that cases of enforced disappearances on the occupied territories are extremely widespread and that there is absolutely no access to the information on conditions of filtration camps in Belarus and Russia, and detention facilities in Russia.  As reported by NGOs, detained and forcibly displaced people are being kept in inhumane conditions and are being subjected to torture.  A special issue of concern is the enforced deportation of Ukrainian children and women, many of whom are pregnant, breastfeeding, and are being separated from their children. 

Then, Ms. Natialia Okhotnikova, Human Rights Centre ZMINA (member of UA5AM Coalition), made an intervention on the wide-spread cases of enforced disappearances and torture of activists, journalists, representatives of local authorities, and even drivers who provided humanitarian help.  As active members of the society, who are protecting their values and rights to be Ukrainian, they are being specially targeted.   Ms. Okhotnikova stressed the point that it is linked to Russia's intention to destroy the Ukrainian nation as a whole.

M.s Nadia Volkova, Ukrainian Legal Advisory Group (member of UA5AM Coalition), talked about universal jurisdiction as a possible avenue for accountability and justice that might yield best results for the victims of war crimes in Ukraine.

During the question and answer moment, the audience and the panelists discussion reparations for victims.  There is an initiative from the Ukrainian government to pursue repeations, however, the mechanism has not been established yet as discussion on the sources of funding are ongoing and the Russian frozen assets are not yet able to be spent.  Panelists also noted that compensations are not actually a priority of the victims, but that justice and accountability for the crimes is the main need. 

Audience also raised the issue of how to the international community could support Ukrainian civil society.  The panelists responded that the first step would be to help Ukraine de-occupy its territories.  War crimes committed in Ukraine now are a result of the lack of reaction of the international community and impunity of Russia has enjoyed in the past (not only in Ukraine, but also in other contexts - Georgia, Chechnya, Syria).  Panelists highlighted that there are many misconceptions that stem from the wrong understanding that war crimes would stop if there would be peace.  There is no sustainable peace without justice and accountability is crucial.  Mutual legal assistance global initiatives might be an option to reach accountability.

Another question related to the collaboration between Ukrainian civil society and the  Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine and what are the perspectives on national-level prosecutions.  The panelists noted that Ukrainians realize that the majority of the burden of prosecutions of war crimes committed in Ukraine lay on the shoulders of local Ukrainian investigators and prosecutors.  UA5AM focuses on collaboration with national law enforcement agencies by data exchange.  However, it was noted that the scale of the Russian war crimes is extremely large and the national system is overburdened: currently there are 60,000 cases of war-related crimes registered by Ukrainian prosecutors since the beginning of full-scale Russian invasion in February 2022; and there are still 30,000 cases launched since 2014.  Ukraine’s case demonstrates the need to create a new rapid global response system to a crisis like this to avoid future crisis such as the one in Ukraine.  Panelists mentioned universal jurisdiction as a possible pathway for that. 

Laslty, Mr. Romanov, concluded the discussion with the following messages for the international community:

  • Competition of numerous international organizations undermine the efficiency of great efforts that are being taken to support Ukraine. 

  • Lack of reaction of the International Committee of Red Cross, despite its mandate allowing access to detention facilities and monitoring the conditions of detention of prisoners of war (or, rather, illegally displaced Ukrainians to the territory of Russia) was flagged as a huge issue that undermines the credibility of international response.

  • Lack of political will of the Ukrainian Government to ratify the Rome Statute was also mentioned as an issue; the international community can help push the Ukrainian Government to do that.

ASP21: Myanmar: Exploring Options for Justice


6 December 2022

Name of the Event: Myanmar: Exploring Options for Justice

Report by: Sindija Beta, Legal Team, PILPG


  • The Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK is bringing 6 Rohingya women from Bangladesh to Buenos Aires to allow them to testify at the universal jurisdiction case in Argentina.

  • The ICJ case on the Rohingya is important because it is one of the few genocide cases initiated under the Genocide Convention, it is so important for the Rohingya, and the analysis of the interpretation of genocide will have an impact on future cases.

  • Since the 2021 coup in Myanmar, the IIMM has begun collecting and analyzing evidence from violations committed in Myanmar, including those against other ethnicities and groups beyond Rohingya. They have found clear evidence of crimes against humanity.

  • The atrocities committed in Myanmar are a result of systematic and long-term impunity prevalent within Myanmar and among the international community’s attitude to the situation.


  • Moderator: Carmen Cheung Ka-Man, Executive Director, Center for Justice and Accountability

  • Tun Khin, President, Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK

  • Priya Pillai, Head, Asia Justice Coalition Secretariat

  • Akila Radhakrishnan, President, Global Justice Center

  • Nicholas Koumjian, Head of the Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar

  • Karim Khan, Prosecutor, International Criminal Court

  • Chantal Daniels, International Cooperation Advisor, Office of the Prosecutor, International Criminal Court

Summary of the Event: 

This year marks the five-year anniversary of the Rohingya crisis and almost 2 years since the coup.  Violence against protesters in Myanmar continues to take place, yet there is hope for accountability, particularly, due to the establishment of institutions for addressing the crisis and the positive progress made on some of the accountability cases launched before justice mechanisms.

Karim Khan opened the event by saying that what the world has witnessed in Myanmar is a scandal.  We see terrible suffering among communities, however, the ICC only has jurisdiction over part of the crimes.  Bangladesh has been the trigger to the jurisdiction of the Court and has given refuge to millions of Rohingya.  He emphasized that the cooperation with Bangladesh has been meaningful and noted that, even during COVID-19, the team of the Office of the Prosecutor visited the camps to conduct interviews.  Karim Khan went to Cox’s Bazar in February and had a positive engagement with senior officials from Bangladesh, and the Office of the Prosecutor currently has premises in Cox’s Bazar to be able to conduct interviews.  Nonetheless, the ICC is not the only institution working in the field and should not be.  He highlighted the Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar (IIMM) and pointed out that the IIMM is required to cooperate with the ICC and ICJ, which the ICC is effectively returning by ensuring transparency between organizations.  Karim Khan advocates that different stakeholders should sit down at least once a year, including with different actors and vulnerable groups, to talk about how to collectively, as the international community, coordinate to reach better results.  

Prosecutor Khan then turned to the overdocumentation as a major concern of the Office. .  There is a need for an office of coordination for humanitarian assistance to coordinate how best to support conflict situations.  He mentioned Ukraine and the establishment of a Dialogue Advisory Group to cooperate with different actors as a positive example of such cooperation.  The ICC is trying to build an architecture of international intelligence to most effectively ingest information, identify patterns, and find reliable evidence.  Another pertinent question he raised was working together with the people on the ground - landmark decisions of the Special Court for Sierra Leone were successful because the Sierra Leone Court was close to the community.  He highlighted the importance of the ICC being close to the community and that the establishment of a local facility with contribute to that.  Moreover, he discussed the need to enhance the idea that you do not need to be a State Party to take action on international justice and accountability, particularly referring to the involvement of ASEAN.   

The first panelist for the discussion was Tun Khin who spoke about the complementarity of the case in Argentina and the ICC.  The Argentine case has tremendous challenges related to language and culture barriers, as well as the distance between Argentina and Myanmar.   He underlined that humanity needs to prosecute perpetrators and establish justice for the victims no matter what.  At first, Argentina's court was hesitant to move forward due to a number of reasons, nonetheless, on appeal, the Court was satisfied with the arguments put forward by the Burma Rohingya Organisation.  The Argentine hesitancy was due to the fact that the ICC was looking at the crimes too, however, they approached the ICC and explained the case, which led to progress in Argentina.  In December 2021, the Court launched an investigation in Argentina.  This was an important movement for addressing impunity for the Rohingya and showed the strength and hope for a better future.  Tun Khin noted that his organization requested the victims to be able to take the floor during the proceedings - it is important for the victims to address the Court directly.  As such, they decided to bring women from Bangladesh to Argentina to allow them to see the face of justice, which will be an extraordinary event.  Because of this event, Mr. Khin pointed out, a strong message will be passed to the Myanmar military that international justice sees no limits and continues despite frontiers.  For Argentina, on the other hand, it will be a unique opportunity to be in direct contact with victims of the Rohingya genocide.  He said that the women are very excited about traveling to Buenos Aires on their journey for justice.  Expecting that, in the near future, the Rohingya group will be in Argentina for this purpose.  

Tun Khin also noted that his organization pushed for IIMM to engage with the Argentinian judicial authorities and requested to share evidence with the Argentine Court.  This cooperation has made great progress and they expect it to continue and deepen.  Moreover, the Argentine Court asked the US government to share all available information with Argentina on the genocide, especially, the information that led the US Government to determine that a genocide had taken place in Myanmar.  The US Secretary of State responded to the request by visiting Argentina to meet about this topic.  Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK hopes to allow more victims to give their testimonies in any form possible and Mr. Khin thanked Bangladesh for being supportive of bringing 6 women to Buenos Aires.  

Then, Priya Pillai spoke about the Rohingya case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and where it is headed.  She explained the proceedings before the ICJ and the legal development for the situation in the fall of 2019.  She highlighted that the provisional measures were issued unanimously and even the judge acting on behalf of Mynamar agreed with the measures, including requiring Myanmar to report to the ICJ on compliance with the Genocide Convention.  Now, we are at a critical juncture where there is a green light to move to the merits stage - 24 of April 2023 for Myanmar to submit a counter-memorial.  Moreover, the Maldives, the UK, Canada, and the Netherlands decided to intervene in support of the Gambia.  Canada and the Netherlands, particularly, decided to intervene on sexual violations.  Ms. Pillai noted that it is an important case that we should be following because it is one of the few genocide cases initiated under the Convention, because it is so important for the Rohingya, and because of the analysis it will have of the interpretation of genocide. 

Next, Nicholas Koumjian discussed the perspectives of the IIMM in supporting accountability efforts.  Myanmar could serve as a good place to study a model of the options and possibilities of international justice and also the limitations of international justice and weaknesses.  Nonetheless, he said that complexities of different processes are prevalent.  Firstly, the ICC has limited jurisdiction due to a lack of UNSC referrals and Myanmar not being a party.  Secondly, the ICJ due to the need to accurately interpret the obligation to prevent and punish genocide and due to the question of how to enforce its decision.  This is extreme complexity and very important because it affects other places around the world.  Thirdly, the pure universal jurisdiction case in Argentina is complex because of the lack of ties to Myanmar.  

Mr. Koumjian then turned to the mandate of the IIMM, which is to collect evidence.  The mandate covers the entire territory of Myanmar and covers all crimes, including those committed since 2011 in the border areas of Myanmar and the long-standing conflicts.  Other minorities in Myanmar, not Rohingya, have also suffered from the violations but do not have a case for them before justice mechanisms.  And then, with the 2021 coup, the situation for the IIMM changed because the IIMM started to monitor the current situation closely and found clear evidence of crimes against humanity.  Every week there is a new major instance and massacre, for which they have collected evidence, Mr. Koumjian emphasized.  However, there is no forum where to share it.  The IIMM has been actively cooperating with the ICC to make sure they do not step on each other’s toes.  He underlined that the IIMM cannot arrest or charge anyone so they cannot do anything about the violations committed in the framework of the coup, which is why cooperation with the ICC is important.  Furthermore, they do not have the authority to compel evidence - all data they have has been shared voluntarily and with the source’s consent to share the information.  They also seek consent from the sources about sharing with other processes.  

Lastly, Akila Radhakrishnan spoke about the accountability gaps in the Myanmar situation and what are the options for addressing them.  Rohingya are breaking a persistent cycle of impunity in Myanmar for the past 60 years.  She emphasized that there is a need to address the multiplicity of crimes occurring in the country noting the implicit and explicit structural impunity that has characterized Myanmar.  She provided an overview of the history of Myanmar and how the military has always had a structural role in the government.  Ms. Radhakrishnan discussed how ethnic actors and women groups have been calling for action for a long time at the UN and elsewhere, yet with no results.  She argued that Myanmar's impunity is structural and is at both domestic and international levels likewise saying that impunity is the rule, not the exception.  At the international level, she noted that there has never been a UN Security Council on Myanmar and that civil society calls have been ignored by the international community.  She argued that international political dynamics have shielded the perpetrators from real consequences despite the existence of crimes against humanity, genocide, and war crimes.  Ms. Rahakrishnan called for more to be done to ensure that all those harmed by the military have pathways to justice and the need to open cases beyond the Rohingya.  

During the question and answer session, the audience raised issues such as the reduced appetite for addressing the Myanmar situation and what practical steps to take now, the failure of the international community to address the problems, which have led to gross violations of human rights, as well as options for meaningfully engaging the local communities.  In response, Ms. Pillai referred to the ASEAN states as examples of the limited interest in the situation now and how China is a major obstacle to accountability.  Mr. Khin referred to the horrendous circumstances in which the Rohingya live in Bangladesh and the importance of opening more universal jurisdiction cases for Myanmar.  Speaking on behalf of the ICC, ms. Daniels pointed out that there is a dire need to raise awareness among the communities about what the international mechanisms are and what they can offer.  Mr. Koumjian then discussed legal versus political steps that are required to address the situation calling for more political action to address the crisis, however, noting the necessity to separate judicial authorities from political discussions.  Ms. Radhakrishnan then brought up how the international community should listen to the voices of the victims and what are their priorities.