Expert Roundtable:
Reparations in Ukraine
Ініціатива лідерства думок PILPG
Експертний круглий стіл: Репарації в Україні
Event Recordings in Ukrainian and English
Event Description
PILPG hosted a conversation with experts regarding potential reparations for Russia’s damage and destruction of Ukrainian property on July 8 from 12 pm to 1 pm EDT.
On February 24, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a full scale invasion of Ukraine, which is a new phase of Russian aggression against Ukraine that started in February 2014. This invasion has thus far led to thousands of civilian deaths and massive destruction of Ukrainian cities. In places like the city of Mariupol, Ukrainian officials have reported that at least 95% of the city has been destroyed during the Russian bombardment. Russian attacks have damaged and destroyed critical property and infrastructure, including historical buildings, cultural sites, residential homes, schools, bridges, and hospitals. Reparations in the context of the Russian invasion of Ukraine would include both material and symbolic measures to both recognize and compensate for the harms inflicted by Russia.
During this event our panelists discussed Russia’s financial responsibility for damages, the role reparations may have in post-conflict reconstruction, including what a victim-centered approach to reparations may look like, and the international support needed to hold Russia accountable for damages inflicted since its invasion. This event was moderated by PILPG Senior Legal Advisor Dr. Yvonne Dutton.
This event is part of the PILPG Thought Leadership Initiative. The Initiative focuses on prominent international law and international affairs topics and organizes monthly expert roundtables to share expertise and reflections from our work on peace negotiations, post-conflict constitution drafting, and war crimes prosecution.
This expert roundtable is part of our Ukraine Series, a series which aims to discuss recent developments in the Ukraine-Russia war, ponder complex legal questions related to those developments, and inform audiences of important international legal principles. As part of this series, PILPG holds expert roundtables every other Friday from 12-1 pm Eastern Time.
Опис події
Приєднуйтесь до PILPG 8 липня з 19:00 до 20:00 за Київським часом для експертної дискусії щодо потенційного відшкодування збитків, завданих Україні Росією.
24 лютого 2022 року президент Росії Володимир Путін віддав розпорядження про повномасштабне вторгнення в Україну, що є новою фазою російської агресії проти України, яка розпочалася в лютому 2014 року. Наразі це вторгнення призвело до тисяч загиблих мирних жителів і масового знищення українських міст. В деяких місцях, як-от наприклад місто Маріуполь, українські офіційні джерела повідомляють, що щонайменше 95% міста було зруйновано під час російських бомбардувань. Російські атаки пошкодили та знищили важливе майно та інфраструктуру, включаючи історичні будівлі, культурні об’єкти, житлові будинки, школи, мости та лікарні. Репарації в контексті російського вторгнення в Україну включали б як матеріальні, так і символічні заходи для визнання та компенсації шкоди, завданої Росією.
Під час цього заходу наші учасники дискусії обговорять фінансову відповідальність Росії за збитки, роль відшкодування збитків у постконфліктній відбудові, включно з тим, як може виглядати підхід до відшкодування, орієнтований на жертву, і міжнародну підтримку, необхідну для притягнення Росії до відповідальності за збитки, завдані після її вторгнення. Модеруватиме захід старша юридична радниця PILPG д-р Івонн Даттон.
Цей захід є частиною Ініціативи лідерства думок PILPG. Ініціатива зосереджується на яскравих темах міжнародного права та міжнародних відносин та включає щомісячні круглі столи експертів для обміну досвідом та думками на різні теми щодо мирних переговорів, постконфліктного врегулювання та переслідування воєнних злочинців. Цей експертний круглий стіл є частиною Української серії PILPG, метою якої є обговорення останніх подій під час російського вторгнення в Україну, розгляд складних правових питань, пов’язаних із вторгненням, та інформування аудиторії про важливі міжнародно-правові принципи. У рамках цієї серії PILPG проводить круглі столи експертів кожну другу п’ятницю з 19:00 до 20:00 за Київським часом.
Professor Laurie Blank
Laurie R. Blank is a Clinical Professor of Law, Director of the Center for International and Comparative Law and Director of the International Humanitarian Law Clinic at Emory University School of Law, where she teaches the law of armed conflict and works directly with students to provide assistance to international tribunals, non-governmental organizations and militaries around the world on cutting edge issues in humanitarian law and human rights.
Professor Blank is the co-author of International Law and Armed Conflict: Fundamental Principles and Contemporary Challenges in the Law of War, a casebook on the law of war, and the co-author of Law of War Training: Resources for Military and Civilian Leaders. She is also the co-director of the End of War Project, a multi-year project exploring a range of legal, policy, moral and strategic challenges in ending complex counterterrorism and counterinsurgency conflicts. Professor Blank is a core expert on the Woomera Manual on International Law of Military Space Operations and the Oslo Manual on Selected Problems in the Law of Armed Conflict. In addition, she is a Senior Fellow at the Lieber Institute for Law and Land Warfare, the Chair of the American Society of International Law Lieber Prize Committee, and a term member of the American Bar Association’s Advisory Committee to the Standing Committee on Law and National Security.
Professor Chiara Giorgetti
Chiara Giorgetti is Professor of Law at Richmond Law School, immediate past Chair of ITA’s Academic Council and Vice-President of the American Branch of the International Law Association (ABILA). She is also Senior Fellow at Columbia’s Law School’ International Claims and Reparations Project (ICPR), where she advises Ukraine on international claims and reparations ensuing from Russia’s aggression. She teaches and writes in the areas of international law, international arbitration, international dispute resolution and international courts and tribunals. She has authored or edited nine books and over 40 articles and chapters, including ‘International Claims Commissions: Righting Wrongs After Conflict (with L. Brilmayer and L. Charlton), ‘The Rule, Practice and Jurisprudence of International Courts and Tribunals,’ ‘Litigating International Investment Disputes - A Practitioner’s Guide and Challenges’ and ‘Recusal of Arbitrators and Judges in International Courts and Tribunals.’ Presently, her research focuses on international claims commissions, as well as ethics, the drafting of a Code of Ethics for Arbitrators. Prior to joining academia, she worked extensively with the United Nations in New York and Somalia and practiced international arbitration with White & Case in Washington, D.C. and Lalive in Geneva. Her practice includes representing sovereign states in front of ICSID tribunals, the UN Compensation Commission and at the Eritrea Ethiopia Claims and Boundary Commissions. Professor Giorgetti holds a law degree from Bologna University, an MSc from the London School of Economics, and an LLM and a JSD from Yale Law School. She clerked at the International Court of Justice. During her Sabbatical leave in 2019-2020, she served as a scholar in residence at ICSID, working mostly on developing a code of conduct for adjudicators.
Tetiana Shevchuk
Tetiana Shevchuk is a legal counsel and advocacy manager with the Anti-Corruption Action Center in Kyiv, where her work focuses on anti-corruption, asset recovery, anti-money laundering initiatives, and sanction policies. Specifically, she works on the development of new tools and enhancing cooperation between governments and civil society. Since the full-scale Russian invasion, together with other Ukrainian civil society activists, Tetiana joined International Center for Ukrainian Victory in Warsaw. The ICUV advocates for Ukrainian interests internationally and supports civil society actions for Ukraine's victory. She holds a Master's Degree in Law from the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and a MSc Degree in Global Security from the University of Glasgow.
Markiyan Kliuchkovskyi
Markiyan Kliuchkovskyi, partner at Asters law firm in Kyiv and co-chair of the firm's International Arbitration and Litigation practice. He is a member of the working group on the development and implementation of an international legal mechanism for compensation for damages caused to Ukraine as a result of armed aggression by the Russian Federation, which was established by the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky on May 18, 2022, and serves as an advisor to the Office of the President of Ukraine. Mr. Kliuchkovskyi focuses on international arbitration and cross-border litigation disputes, specializing in energy disputes, commercial and investment arbitration, transnational litigation, mediation & negotiations, as well as public international law and sports law. His experience includes handling arbitrations held at many major arbitration institutions, including the LCIA, SCC, ICC, ICSID, CAS, and AAA, as well as before ad hoc tribunals.
Anish Hazra
Anish Hazra is an associate based in the London office of Morrison & Foerster and is a member of the firm’s Litigation Group. Anish advises on internal and regulatory investigations, as well as commercial litigation before the English courts, in cases with a significant international or cross-border element. His practice has included advising multi-national organizations, and financial institutions particularly, on contentious matters arising out of compliance issues such as anti-money laundering, bribery, and sanctions. Most recently, Anish, and a wider team at Morrison & Foerster, have been working with the Public International Law and Policy Group on the property restitution issues that may arise out of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Dr. Yvonne Dutton
Dr. Yvonne Dutton is a Senior Legal Advisor at PILPG. She is a Professor of Law at the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law teaching evidence, criminal law, criminal procedure, international criminal law, international law, and comparative law. Professor Dutton graduated from Columbia Law School, where she served on the Columbia Law Review and was a Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar (all years). She also holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of Colorado at Boulder. After graduating from Columbia Law School, Professor Dutton clerked for the Honorable William C. Conner, United States District Judge for the Southern District of New York. Professor Dutton has practiced law as a federal prosecutor in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, where she tried narcotics trafficking and organized crime cases. She also practiced as a civil litigator in law firms in New York and California. Professor Dutton’s research interests include international criminal law, international human rights law, and maritime piracy. Broadly speaking, her scholarship examines questions about international cooperation and the role and effectiveness of international institutions in deterring and holding accountable those who commit crimes of international concern. In May 2013, her book entitled Rules, Politics, and the International Criminal Court: Committing to the Court was published by Routledge. Professor Dutton has recently been involved with providing technical assistance with the development of framework laws on transitional justice and the harmonization of Ukrainian domestic law with international humanitarian law and the drafting of a legal charter for the Ukrainian peacebuilding/documentation center.